Open wounds

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*Takes place after the battle in Wakanda in IW, but instead of fighting Thanos it was just the aliens. Tony is there and has not talked to Steve since CW. So basically Tony and Steve in Wakanda after a battle*

"And here is your room" T'challa said and opened a door. Steve thanked him.

"No need to thank me. That's the least I can do after you helped protect Wakanda. Now take a shower and get some rest. You deserve it" the king said and turned to walk away. Suddenly, Steve got an idea.

"Wait, do you know where Tony's room is?" he asked him. T'challa turned around and looked at him.

"Tony Stark? I didn't think you two were on speaking terms" he said. Steve sighed.

"We aren't, but maybe we could sort it out."

T'challa nodded. "Come with me."


They walked in silence down the corridor.
"In here" T'challa said and pointed to a closed door. He looked at Steve.

"Good luck Captain" he said and walked away.

Steve took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"This room is already taken and i'm not sharing. Find another!" you could hear Tony yell from inside the room.

Steve knocked again. He heard Tony growl inside the room. Then he heard a little click, probably from the lock and Tony opened the door. Steve's smile faded. Tony's face was filled with bruises and cuts. His lower lip was bleeding and he had a gash just above his left eyebrow. He was wearing some type of running clothes.

"Did you not hear what I said? Try somewhere else" he said and started closing the door, but Steve pushed it open and stepped past Tony, into the room. Tony sighed in frustation and shut the door behind him.

"Look, it's been a really long day and-"

"Why did you not get any help with those bruises?" Steve interrupted. Tony sat down in a chair, he seemed to be in a lot of pain.

"It's not as bad as it looks, some people was in bigger need of help" he simply said. Steve looked at him for a second.

"Since when have you cared about other people?" Steve tried to joke, but the delivery of the joke was so flat, that Tony thought he was serious. The billionaire stared at him in disbelief, before he looked down at his feet.

"Get out" he whispered. Steve ran a hand through his hair.

"Tony i'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. And look we don't have to talk about what happened in Sibiria, but someone needs to clean those wounds and if you don't do it, I will" he said.

"No fuck you are not. I don't need your help, Cap. Seriously, i'm fine." Tony said, but his face told another story. Steve did not want to argue with the dark haired man so he walked past Tony and into the bathroom.

"What are you doing" he heard Tony ask, but he did not answer. He kept searching and in one of the cabinets he found a first aid kit. He walked back to Tony and opened the kit.

"You know, you don't have to do this" Tony said, while Steve poured alcohol on some cotton wool.

"I know" he replied and pressed the cotton wool against the gash in Tony's forehead. The genius flinched, it much have stung.

"Can I-" Steve asked and put his other hand behind Tony's head.

"Sure whatever" Tony mumbled.

None of them said anything while Steve cleaned Tony's cuts and bruises. Steve stood up when he was done.

"Alright, you're good to go" he proclaimed. Tony nodded, but he still seemed distant and his face was twisted in pain. He tried to hide it, but Steve noticed. He knelt down beside the man in the chair with a worried face.

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