Truth or dare

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*The title says it all, during the party in Age of Ultron i guess, but it's just the six OG Avengers and Maria Hill *

Tony said goodbye to the last guests before walking back into the living room. The rest of the Avengers and Maria Hill were sitting around in the couches. 

"Hey Tony we just ordered chinese food if you are hungry" Maria said, beer in hand. Tony nodded. 

"Okay, thats great I could use some noodles" he said pouring himself a drink.

"And while we wait for it to arrive, we agreed on playing truth or dare" Maria continued.

Tony froze and turned around. The rest of the crew smiled at him in anticipation. 

"And we thought that you should join" Clint said. 

Tony let out a sharp laughter. "What are y'all, five? But fine you go ahead. I'm not participating"

"Come on Tony, are you scared of telling us all your dark secrets you don't want us to know?" Natasha said with an innocent smile and batted her eyelashes at him.

"First off" he pointed at Nathasha "that is not going to work dollface and second off i'm not scared, I'm just protective of my private life."

Clint shrugged. "Well, It kind off sounds like you are scared."

Tony finished making his drink and leaned against the barcounter so he could face the whole crew. 

"Anyway, how did they convince you to do this Bruce? You're normally a very smart person, what did they offer you? Weed, a bigger bedroom, the rest of the ice cream in the fridge?" he asked.

"There is more ice cream in the fridge?!" Thor asked excitedly. 

"They offered me fun" Bruce said "come on Tony! It will be more fun for everyone if you join."

"You are right about that. I'm hilarious" Tony said with a sarcastic grin "and by the way how did you convince the old man over there, who refuses to have fun?" he asked and pointed at Steve.  

"I know how to have fun" he blonde, in the blue shirt that matched his eyes, said with a smile. "Come on Tony!"

For a long moment they both just looked into the others eyes. When it became too awkward for the rest of the crew, Natasha waved a hand in front of Steve. 

"Geez guys, could you maybe stop? The sexual tension is too much" 

Both of them was quick to look away. Steve blushed a little. Tony shoved a hand in his pocket in his all black suit and sat down on the couch beside Thor. On the couch opposite them, was Natasha laying with her feet in Clint's lap. To his left at the end of the table sat Bruce in a armchair. In the last couch around the small glass table were Steve and Maria sitting.

"There is no sexual tension" Tony said trying to sound convincing. "Anyway sure whatever I'll join"

The others cheered. Tony rolled his eyes, but on the inside was he really happy they wanted him to be a part of the game. 

"Anyway, I'll go first" Clint said. "Thor, truth or dare?" 

"Ehm dare obviously!" he said.

"Hmm okay" Clint thougth about it for a minute. "You have to give a lap dance to a person, shirtless"

Thor let out a laugh. "Hah easy! Who is it going to be?" 

Clint took one of the empty beer bottles from the table.

"The person this bottle lands on" he said and spined the beer. It landed on Bruce whos face went red. Everybody started to cheer and clap, even Tony couldn't stop smiling when he saw how flustered his awkward friend was.

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