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*I'll put the art this was inspired from at the end. Also a quick warning, this story gets really gay at times lmao*

"Guys look what I found!" Tony said.

Him, Nat and Clint were sitting around in the couches in the living room. SHIELD had been there earlier that day to give them a shit-ton  of boxes. In all the boxes were stuff that was in some way connected to one of the Avengers, so Nick Fury had thought it would be fair if the Avengers looked through the boxes first instead of just throwing them out. 

It was most just files and sketches of their uniforms and weapons. Nat had found a picture from when she had accomplished her first mission for SHIELD and Clint had found his first bow. Tony had been hesitant to look at the boxes at first, a lot of it consisted of Howards things. He was determined at first to just throw it all out, but halfway through he had changed his mind and had ended up saving a lot of it from the big trash pile on the floor. 

Clint had had a good laugh over Nat's report on Tony, from when she was evaluating him for the Avengers initiative.

Tony was looking through a box filled with old sketches of Captain Americas suit from the 40's. There were also posters with blue, red and white letters that spelled 'Come and see Captain America!' Tony didn't know Steve had performed to some kind of shows, now he had another thing he could tease the super soldier with. He lifted the last piece of paper in the box and let out a gasp. 

"Guys look what I found" he said and pulled some red, white and blue fabric up from the box. The assassins looked up. 

"What is that?" Clint asked and put down a paper he had been reading. 

"Is that...A dress?" Nat asked. Tony gave her the fabric.

"There is more down here" Tony noticed and pulled some sort of hat up of the box. It looked like some sort of military hat. It was blue with a single white star on the side. Underneath the hat lay a pair of long white evening gloves. 

Nat held up the dress. The upper part was a blue top with wide straps and a deep v neck. Around the neck were more white stars. The dress had a short skirt in red and white stribes. 

"What the hell was that used for?" Clint asked with a laugh. 

Tony shrugged with a grin. "I literally have no idea, but it looks like a more... feminine, dress version of Caps suit"

"Why was this in a box from SHIELD?" Nat wondered out loud, also smiling. 

They sat in silence for a few seconds, just staring at the dress, they were all staggered over their discovery. Tony broke the silence and gave Nat the gloves and the hat.

"You should try it on!" he suggested and shot her a grin. She crossed her arms with an offended smile and a light frown.

"What? Just because i'm the woman here? Why don't you try it yourself?" She suggested with a smirk and raised her eyebrows up and down at Tony. 

The genius cheeks got a little red. He crossed his arms.

"Um no" he said.

"Come on Tony!" she chanted.

Tony shook his head. "No honey not a chance."

Clint got involved in the discussion. "I think you should try it as well!" he said with a grin "it will fit you very well..Maybe the skirt will be a little short, but thats the charm isn't it?" he winked at Tony.

"I thought you said last night that you were the only person here who knew how to be fun!" Nat said in a serious tone with a smirk on her lips. 

Tony rolled his eyes. "I was pissed last night"

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