Parents day

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*Very short and sweet*

Peter looked around. All around him kids were talking to their moms and dads, but he couldn't see his parents anywhere. 

It was the yearly parent's day today where the parents visited the school and the kids could show them around and show them what they had worked with. It was also Peter's 8th birthday that day. He bit his nails and looked around nervously. He felt so little compared to all the men and women in the room. He ran a hand through his brown curly hair. He could hear his classmates laugh as they showed their parents what they had made in their classes. He fumbled with his hands, bit his lip and tried not to get wet eyes. Where were they? 

Then he heard one of his classmate's voice from across the room.

"And look father that's Peter and he has two dads!" Oliver said and pointed at him. 

Peter tried to act like he hadn't heard them.

A man, he assumed was Oliver's father, let out a harsh laughter. He turned to a woman, presumably his wife and put an arm around her waist.

"Hah! I bet those two fairies won't have the balls to show up"

Peter didn't know what fairies meant, but it didn't sound like a compliment. His eyes got teary. This was the worst birthday ever.

Then someone ruffled his hair from behind.

"Hey kiddo! Sorry we're late" 

Peter turned around and threw himself into his dad's arms. 

"Well, someone's happy to see us" Tony said and wiped a tear, from Peters cheek, away. He stood up. Peter's other dad put an arm around Tony's waist and with the other arm picked Peter up, holding his family close. Peter threw his short arms around his neck.  

"We're so sorry Peter, we ran into some... unexpected challenges at work" his other dad, Steve said and kissed him on the cheek.

Peter noticed a few scratches on his face, but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. His blonde dad was just in a pilot jacket, grey shirt and cowboy pants. His dark haired father was in a casual suit and sunglasses.

"Did you fight bad guys at work, daddy?" he asked. 

"Yes" Tony said.

"No" Steve answered at the same time. 

His dads looked at each other. Steve rolled his eyes.

"Okay fine! Yes, we did, but Peter remember, violence doesn't solve everything!" Steve said in a serious tone.

"Do you want to tell him about that moment, where you were screwed and I totally saved your ass?" Tony said and took his sunglasses off. He winked at Peter and Peter started to laugh.

"Just wait and see what i'm going to do with your ass later" Steve whispered so no one else could hear it. 

Peter didn't understand what he meant, but his other dad blushed. 

"Anyway " Tony said "We wanna see what you have made! What do you want to show us first?" 

Steve put Peter down. "My science project!" he said exitedly.

His blonde dad let out a chuckle and kissed his other dad on the cheek.

"He truly is a child of yours"

Peter led them through the room while he smiled from ear to ear. His dads walked behind him, holding hands. 

"Wow cool can I have two dads too?" Peter heard Oliver ask his father. His dad didn't look happy, when he mumbled something under his breath.

'That's right' Peter thought 'my dads are super (pun intended) cool.'

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