Chapter 16

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16| Do or die(3)

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16| Do or die(3)

I took the knife and looked around. no one was there. Mai's door was locked. I glanced at the knife and attempted to obtain some courage. I am not brave enough to do this.

"Just do it. You have no one here in this world. Just kill yourself."

I nodded and tried to stab myself when I heard.

"Abrianna! What are you doing?"

glanced towards the owner of the voice.


God no.

Why does it have to be him?

I instantly dragged the knife towards my abdomen when he clutched my arm and wrenched the knife away from my hand. The blade of the knife drove down his palm.

Blood began to drain from his hand but he didn't seem to mind. He swung me around and wrapped his arms around me.

"Let go of me."

I yelled at him and attempted to escape. I moved my legs. He strengthens his grip and I noticed his eyes resting at my thigh.

"What's going on here?" Mai came out and her eyes went wide. God. This is bad. It's fucking bad.

"O my God, Abrianna! What the hell."

"Let me go, Alexander. If I don't do this they will torture me."

He slackened his grip. His hand moved to my abdomen. I could feel his heart beat on my spine. His hands  ran through my hair."Who's going to hurt you?"

"I don't know them. They haunt me in my dreams. I can't sleep at night because of them. They said they will--"

"It's okay. Nobody is going to hurt you. You are fine. You are safe now."

"No, I am not. They will--"

His lips almost touched my ears and his hand was around my waist. It felt nice. Most importantly it felt safe and comfortable.

"Nobody is going to do anything. Just close your eyes. Calm down and everything's gonna be fine. It's a bad dream."

His voice made me relax. I loafed and let my body rest completely at his arm. I closed my eyes as he said and that's the last thing I remember.


I woke up to the chirping of the birds. The rays of the sun touched my face. I smiled to myself. I felt good. I moved a little and felt a certain discomfort, my arms ached as well as my back. I stared at the bandage around my thigh. It wasn't a nightmare. I sat up and rested my back on the headboard observing everything around me. I wasn't wearing the same shirt but I was still wearing my blue denim shorts. What happened exactly? The last thing I remembered was Alexander tell me to calm down and then I slept. Just like that.

"You are awake.", Alexander stood on resting his back on the walls. He beamed at me folding his arms,"How are you feeling?"

What's he doing here? I looked away from him. He advanced towards me and sat at the end of the bed.

"I am fine. Did you do that?", I asked nodding towards my bandaged thigh. He nodded. "Were you here the whole night?"

I asked in a low voice as it sounded ridiculous. He chuckled and looked away.

"Yeah but don't worry I only did the bandage and about your shirt, that was done by Ms.Henka. See, I am not that bad, after all."

"Where is Mai?”

“She just left a few minutes ago."

I moved my legs slowly towards the left to get down from the bed to avoid the pain, but my thigh burned like hell, I groaned.

"Let me help you if you don't mind."

He placed my hand on his shoulder and helped me to stand up, I glanced at him. His eyes full of concern but why? I am a nobody.

Another thing that bothered me like hell was that, How am I supposed to explain to them what exactly happened?


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I will like to thanks some people for their continuous support, Without them, This book is nothing.


{what excuse do you think she will give to her friends?}

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