Chapter 31

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31|Brooke's party

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31|Brooke's party

"Alexander! Hey!"

I bestowed a light smile. He was wearing a black shirt, a royal blue blazer, and black pants, which matched perfectly with his black boots. His hair was combed and he was holding a wrapped box.

'He is beautiful.'


He answered back, his eyes were touring up and down my body. I blushed and folded my arms, taking few steps backward.

"You look beautiful." He finally said,

I chuckled, “thank you”.

"Where's Mai and Carlton?"

"They are --"

"Here!" Mai announced waving a hand towards us, She wore a blue, round neck, sleeveless, solid knitted maxi dress with ruffle detailing. Her hair was tied to a bun. She looked stunning with Carlton by her side, wearing a black shirt, brown blazer, and white pants.

'They look like freaking celebrities.'

"Now! Everything's in order. Let's go." She said, grinning towards me and Alexander. I nodded and made my way down the stairs. I did hear some whispers behind me. I turned around me, to see what was going. All I saw was Mai clutching Alexander's arm and mumbling something in his ears. I furrowed my forehead. she faked a smile. I had no option but to walk away.


I didn't converse much on our way, I need to learn, what Mai was whispering as she made it pretty clear that it was about me.

The party was huge, obviously. Almost the whole office was here. He lived in a freaking mansion. We stood near the doorstep. A lot of people were dancing and some of them were drinking, I recognized Melissa, (a girl who sits beside me) dancing with her hands up. I looked around for Aaron, he didn't seem to be around my sight.

"Where's Brooklyn?" Carlton whispered, I turned my face immediately towards him,

"His name is Aaron Brooke for christ's sake, don't call him that here." I snapped and folded my arms. Aaron was nowhere.

Alexander was scrutinizing everything, carefully. He is going to be super bored, I can tell. As from his look, he didn't seem to enjoy a bunch of strangers roaming around him.

"Abrianna, Hey! You came." Aaron appeared within the crowd, holding a glass of champagne, he looked awesome as always, he was always thirsted over by many girls in the office. He stood in front of me.

"So you were expecting me, I guess. Anyways, Happy birthday."
I said taking out his present from my purse.

"That wasn't necessary." He said pointing towards the box.

'Oh honey, don't pretend like you don't want it. Everybody waits eagerly for their birthday only to get gifts.' I wish I could say it, but that will very mean and most importantly I didn't dare to say it.

He turned his gaze towards Mai, Carlton, and Alexander.

"Ms.Henka, right?" He said taking one step towards them.

"Yup, and this is my boyfriend."
She said pointing towards Carlton. Both of them shook hands.

"Carlton Daniel Michaels."

"Aaron Brooke."

"You are a lucky man. Mr.Michaels" He said,  Mai was blushing so hard, I worried that she might explode. Alexander felt awkward, I understood his state. I took a glass of champagne from the waiter that was passing by. Taking a sip, I looked around.

"And this is Alexander, My--"

"I know you, you are Mr.Chambers, right?"

I turned my gaze towards Aaron, he knows Alexander, I didn't saw that coming but Alexander looked confused.

"Have we met?"

"You are not supposed to know me. My sister was one of your patients."

"Oh. You mean Meredith Brooke."


"Oh. It's nice to meet you, Mr.Aaron. By the way, Happy birthday."

Both of them shook hands. Great! Everything was fine, but Aaron suddenly said,

"I am guessing you are Abrianna's date." I coughed as soon as I heard it. Tapping my chest a little, Aaron turned his gaze towards me.

"You okay?"

"Yeah! Just. You know I thought I  saw something weird and no. I am his patient, we two are not a thing."


He nodded towards me slightly and returned his gaze to Alexander,

"It's nice to meet you, Mr.Chambers."

I abandoned them with my glass of champagne to find a corner to spent my already messed up meeting.


Thanks for reading.

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