Chapter 24

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24| Daydreaming

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24| Daydreaming

I gasped at thought of these week. It's been crazy as well as better than the rest.

At 5:00 pm, Mai and I were to go for swimming club, All the members at the club call me by various nicknames. Starting with, Mutant (who has the power to stay underwater for a long time.) Crazypants, Nemo, Fish and blah blah blah.

"Let's play a contest on who can stay underwater longer."Mai said jumping with excitement and I had an acurate answer for that.

"Hell no."

Mai looked disappointed. She pounced upon my shoulder and began to continue with her blabbering.


"Please, Abri."

"No! No!"

She pouted her face and walked away from me. I went to the changing room and quickly undressed myself and wore the suit.

After that  I came out of the room, I walked towards the pool, when I got a weird feeling of someone looking at me.

I turned towards my side but there was no one.

'I think I saw someone.'

I ignored my thoughts and dipped my legs in the pool. I looked around for Mai but she was busy talking with Trevor.

'I wish I was more like her.'

I thought to myself and looked away from her. I stretched my arms and then dived into the pool.

It was peaceful down here. I loved swimming, I fell like I had some lovely relationship with water. It felt amazing when it kissed my skin relaxing my whole body.


"Come and get me."

I announced  running along the garden, clutching my gown. I couldn't help but smile everytime I saw him.

"Take your decision wisely, my love because when I catch you I am not going to leave you that easily." He said walking behind me, I revolved around to face him, when I legs stumbled on a rock and I fell down.

His mouth fell open when he saw me and slowly his lips curved into a mischievous smile.

"I was expecting a little help." I pouted and looked away from him. He began to laugh without even taking a step towards me.

"I reckoned Miss Carmen Arthur does requires anyone's assistance. She is strong."

"And I reckoned you are horrible and guess what you are."

He grinned taking his steps towards me. He lift his arm towards me. I held it tightly and stood up.


Before I could thank him, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, His lips were quite close to mine. He smirked. I started hesitating, "What's this for?"

"I warned you, that if I catch you I won't let you go."

"You are an idiot."

He placed his lips on mine as I wrapped my arms around him. He whispered in my ears,

"Well, what about now? Am I still an idiot?"


I was brought back to reality when someone started calling me.

"Abrianne, What hell are you doing?"

Jamie stood there on the edge of the pool with her arms folded over her chest.

"I was just dreaming."

I said suddenly without even thinking twice.

"With your eyes open."


Seriously! I thought you had a panic attack."

I got up from the pool and walked towards the changing room. The sight I saw at the middle of the pool wasn't scary at all on the contrary it was glamorous, It was wonderful.


"Today, I once again I started to dream in the middle of pool."

I said with quite less excitement as Alexander was observing with the same look, the detectives have when they observe the victim's body and to be honest, it freaked me out.

"So did you fall sleep in the middle pool."

"Nope. Something just started to flow infront of my eyes and it wasn't water, It was like a screen, I swear."

He started to smile, which made me less freak out.

"That's good, so what was it about."

"Well, I was in a garden, and it wasn't new york. I was wearing a old-fashioned gown."

"And what were you doing."

"I was running."

He raised his eyebrows as if he wanted to hear more.

"And that's it."

I said in a awkward tone. obviously, I wouldn't say everything to you, Alexander the psychiatrists.


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