(0) The Legend

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Legends are common in the world Jungkook lives in

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Legends are common in the world Jungkook lives in. Legends are the stories people used to make sense of the elemental benders and their powers. Then there were other legends. Legends that forsaw destruction, but gave hope. Legends that told of a way to end the trechery happening all through out the lands and sea. Those same legends, are ones that cause hope and doubt.

Jungkook knew of a legend like that. He suspected everyone knew of the legend. The legend which carried hope within the lines, but caused it to dwindle the longer the legend remained untrue.

Jungkook looked at down at his wrist. A bracelet was clasped around his wrist with a single pale blue stone, looking almost clear. Glancing at his accessory, he entered the stone structure in front of him. It was located high above land, towering above the clouds. Or as Jungkook called it, home. He had grown up above the clouds, having a large wooden staff, also known as his glider, beside him. Jungkook was an Air Bender. Air Benders were one of the four main elementals. They controlled wind and sky. The air.

If only there were more of them now.

The legend Jungkook was chasing, was the same legend that caused Air Benders to go into hiding while the temples were invaded and most of the nation was killed. Jungkook had seen the horrifying reality as his home in the Eastern Air Temple was overrun by Fire Nation soliders and benders.

The brown haired teenager looked ahead of him, eyes scanning over the old temple. He was probably the only one here. No, he was the only one here. Jungkook knew some Air Benders may have returned to the temples after the Fire Nation finished it's job, but Jungkook had never met one. He hadn't seen another Air bender since he left the custody of one, three years ago.

Jungkook was barely two when the war took place. He was lucky in the sense he got to grow up for three more years at the Eastern Air Temple, before the Fire Nation came.

Stop thinking about that Jungkook. You're here for a job to be done. Not for a trip down memory lane.

Jungkook walked deeper into the temple, the stone walls on either side of him. Getting to the main part of the temple, Jungkook allowed his eyes to gaze over the faded mosiacs on the wall. Stories of his people. Stories of what the war took away.

Shaking his head, Jungkook looked at the dust covered ground. The teenager tightend his grip around his glider, before raising one foot up. With a loud stomp, his foot came in contact with the floor, sending wind along with vibrations. The dust was blown to the walls, four symbols becoming clear.

The elemental symbols. Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Jungkook bend down, tracing the Air symbol with his fingers, before slamming his palm down in the center of all four. The floor gave way and Jungkook didn't have time to scream before he fell along with the four symbols. Landing with a thud due to the non-deadly drop, Jungkook groaned as pain hit his tailbone.

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