(6) The Factory Of Gwangju

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But they are needed if not to lose

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But they are needed if not to lose.

Jungkook stared the metal structure, his doe eyes widening at the structure

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Jungkook stared the metal structure, his doe eyes widening at the structure. Taehyung had dragged him down to the beach right in front of the island.

"Taehyung, it's just the two of us!" Jungkook exclaimed, "How the hell did you get me here!!?"

"I told you I was doing with or without your help, " Taehyung grinned, "and you came along, muttering something about my mental state,"

"Your mental state is mental if you think you have a chance at busting down that with just the two of us!!" Jungkook threw his hands out towards the factory in frustration, "Im calling the others to help!"

"Jungkook, they made it clear!" Taehyung frowned, "they aren't helping,"

"I am not getting their help for your fucked up plan!" Jungkook cursed, "Im getting help for stopping it!!"

"Dont get your glider in a twist, " Taehyung chuckled.

Jungkook gaped at the older male, "No Air Bender Says that!!!!!"

"Okay, so here's the plan, " Taehyung dismissed Jungkook.

"If your going to bust it down, you best do it tomorrow, "

Jungkook and Taehyung turned. Their different colored eyes met a boy with dirty blonde hair. The boy was shorter than the two if them. His eyes were a dull gray, opposite to his fair skin. The two could easily tell he was fit and strong. His lips we're plump and wore a small smirk.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked.

The blonde stayed silent but shrugged, "really not important. But I'll tell you what you need to know about the factory,"


"And listen up, cause I'm not going to repeat myself, " the boy ignored Taehyung.

"Now one second-"

"First of all, don't try and bust in tonight. You'll get caught since I found out they found some Earth benders practicing their bending in the woods, " The boy started, "Security will be tight tonight, always is when there's a transfer. Second, tomorrow just an hour past noon come here. I'd say bring the other three guys with you down to the shore,"

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