(7) Not The Time

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All four nations side by side,

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All four nations side by side,

All four nations side by side,

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"Holy shit..." Yoongi gasped as the wave fell on top of the factory.

Namjoon nodded, the sight shocking the three boys still on the beach. The black ship was far from the island now, approaching the beach at a calm pace. Namjoon could make out the large number of people on the deck, through their silhouettes.

"They actually did it," Hoseok laughed in disbelief, "I feel bad for doubting them,"

Namjoon looked at the ship then at the beach they were waiting on. Namjoon pointed in front of him, into the water, "They're gonna need a dock...You think you guys can bend some Earth?"

Yoongi smirked at the taller. He slammed his palms down on to the sand, allowing the Rock and Earth in the sea rise into a dock. Hoseok stepped on the dock as the black ship stopped beside it. Hoseok bended up a ramp for everyone to step off.

Earth Benders practically ran off the boat and past Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon. On any other day, it would be considered rude, but all the boys understood. They were free. All that was left for them to take back the village.

The boys watched the benders return back to the village, until every last Earth Bender was off the ship. Namjoon looked towards the ramp as two familiar faces walked down.

"Tae!" Namjoon yelled, "Jungkook!"

The water bender ran forward, grabbing both boys in a hug. When he pulled away, he whacked their heads, "Never do that again!"

"We had a really good plan," Jungkook smiled and looked back towards the ship.

Taehyung showed a boxy grin and looked at the boat, "Come on, step off this cursed junk of metal!"

Two heads popped up, peering over the side of the deck. One boy had dirty blonde hair and his eyes were gray with a light skin tone. The other had black hair and dark amber eyes, and honey kissed skin. Both had masks covering the bottom half of their faces.

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