(5) Gwangju

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Trust is thin when it comes to two,

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Trust is thin when it comes to two,

The four boys barely spoke as they travelled from Kyoshi Island to Gwangju

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The four boys barely spoke as they travelled from Kyoshi Island to Gwangju. There was something comfortable that settled between them, not making any sense of awkwardness settle in between them.

Taehyung was on Yeontan's head, guiding his animal guide towards Gwangju. Hosek had shown where his village located on the map the night before. He explained how there was a forest beside the village, a perfect place for Yeontan to hide from the Fire Nation troops.

Jungkook was playing with a small ball of air he had made, throwing it in between his hands. Namjoon was laying down, looking up at the sky, while Hoseok was sitting with his eyes closed.

"Hey, Hoseok?" Jungkook asked, making the older open his eyes.

"If there are Fire Nation troops all over your village, how'd you leave to Kyoshi?"

Hoseok chuckled at the innocent question. Jungkook's doe eyes were filled with question as he waited for the brown-eyed male's answer. Hoseok sat up straighter and turned his gaze to the sky beside him, "I snuck out. Yoongi and I do it all the time,"

"Why didn't Yoongi come with you to Kyoshi Island?" Jungkook asked after.

"He's been trying to figure out the vision. He's been looking through some old scrolls and books he's stolen, trying to make sense of it," Hoseok chuckled, "Guess he didn't expect me to find the answer on Kyoshi Island,"

Jungkook giggled, "Probably not,"

Hoseok smiled at the younger boy, before asking a question of his own, "What about you?"

"What do you mean?" Jungkook tilted his head slightly.

"A 16 year old suddenly drops into the South Pole and understands a legend better than the rest of us? How'd that work out?"

Jungkook licked his lips before speaking, "I left the custody of another Air Bender when I was 13. For three years, I traveled to different Air Temples, trying to get a sign if the legend was true. I got the sign that same day we all got the visions,"

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