(2) Elemental

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Now a new power shall come along

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Now a new power shall come along.

The sun had set, the moon shining down on the three teenagers and giant wolf

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The sun had set, the moon shining down on the three teenagers and giant wolf. They were gonna fall asleep, but were restless. So instead, they allowed themselves to be entranced by the stars. Namjoon's dark blue eyes were staring far out into the world he had learned about through stories. The world where his Father was, fighting against the war. The same cruel world that gave himself a destiny he didn't want.

"Hey, Taehyung, Namjoon, " Jungkook broke the silence, capturing the two brothers attention, "Where are we going exactly?"

"To that village, " Taehyung recalled the third location.

Namjoon looked at Taehyung with a raised eyebrow, "Right, but where exactly is that village?"

Taehyung gave a blank look before letting out an "Right..."

"Well...I'm going to assume, it's in the Earth Nation, " Jungkook spoke up.

Namjoon couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Most of the land is Earth Nation. Water Nation lives on the poles or maybe a swamp. Air Nation...well they lived up above the clouds or in tall mountains. Fire Nation has literally everything East, along with a few colonies in the Earth Kingdom, "

Jungkook and Taehyung frowned at the facts the eldest had just spit out. Seeing their faces, Namjoon added, "But I'm sure we can find it and the elemental,"

"The elemental will be the easiest to identify, " Jungkook said.

"How so?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook looked at Yeontan for a second, before glancing at Taehyung, "They should have a mark. O-or like a tattoo on their body...but it's not exactly a tattoo,"

Namjoon looked at his brother with wide eyes, as the information clicked. Taehyung looked between his brother and new friend, confused as to why they were staring at him.

"Why are you-"

"Tae," Namjoon interrupted, "You have a strange Mark on the side of your neck. The sun and moon tattoo with the elemental symbols written around the edges,"

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