(14) The WaterBending Scroll

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A bond that will be made, through days and nights,

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A bond that will be made, through days and nights,

A bond that will be made, through days and nights,

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One Week Later:

"I'm Bored!!" Taehyung whined, his brother letting out an exhausted sigh beside him.

Hoseok chuckled at the scene, as Namjoon muttered something under his breath. But despite the older water bender's frustration, Hoseok knew that his fellow 1994 born, would agree. Their journey towards the northern water kingdom was boring. Not to mention the team was still a bit off on the teamwork side.

"Tae, how are you bored? Your birthday was yesterday," Jimin yawned tiredly, "Not to mention it's literally New Year's Eve,"

"I think that's why he's bored Chim," Jin commented, "He'd probably have things to do during and after his birthday,"

"Yeah. Your 18 now, meaning you would have had this huge celebration back home for becoming an adult," Namjoon said and Taehyung pouted.

Upon seeing the dejected teenager, Hoseok gave a grin, "Well, on the bright side, we managed to stop our journey so you could actually get a birthday,"

Taehyung brightened up again, "I'm still touched by that,"

"It was Kooks idea," Yoongi nodded towards the young air bender, who was upfront of Yeontan's head.

The six of them all watched the back of their only minor teammate. Now that Taehyung was 18, the six of them were all adults, while Jungkook was still two years away from being an adult.

"You think he's alright?" Jin suddenly asked them.

When everyone looked at the oldest, he added, "He's still really young. Hell, he should be dating, understanding himself. Instead..."

"He's the only one that has an idea about this prophecy, " Hoseok said bitterly.

"Not to be that guy, but Jungkook has been on his own for three years now, " Yoongi shrugged, "Yeah, I feel like the kid might not open up, but none of us are exactly ready to share our life stories, yet,"

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