(17) Royalty

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When Taehyung fluttered his eyes open, blue met blue. His darker shade of eyes, met the pale shade of the sky, the wind blowing his bangs gently across his forehead. Pushing himself up, he knitted his eyebrows as he saw six figures talking with one another.

"What the hell..?" Taehyung called, the six boys snapping their heads to him.

Jungkook was the first to move. The others barely processed, before Jungkook ran forward, tackling Taehyung into a hug. Taehyung grunted, wrapping his arms around the younger's torso.

"Taehyung!!! You're awake!" Jungkook smiled brightly.

Taehyung sent a boxy grin back, "I'm okay Kook, but...care to explain to me what happened?"

"What do you mean?" Jimin piped up, Jungkook rolling off the older, allowing Taehyung to sit up.

"We were just at the forest! W-with Feng! Jin and Namjoon were healing their arms!" Taehyung recalled.

The six exchanged a look. Jin rolled up his sleeve, showing his skin, "Tae, Joon healed us already. We left the forest after you fought Feng,"

"I fought Feng?!" Taehyung repeated, "Without dying?!"

"You pummeled him!! You bended!" Namjoon explained.

"Do you not remember anything?" Hoseok frowned.

Taehyung shook his head, "How long ago-"

"You've been passed out for a while. We rescued Namjoon yesterday," Yoongi cut him off.

Taehyung blinked. He then furrowed his brows trying to remember. But he couldn't. He doesn't remember anything except getting angry. He got angry at Feng and then blacked out.

Taehyung hissed as his head begun to hurt, "Why can't I remember anything?!"

Namjoon walked over, Taehyung curling up beside the boy, "D-did something go wrong?"

"Tae...you slipped into the elemental state," Namjoon spoke, slowly, "Your eyes turned completely blue and the wind started blowing. You were controlling the water and your voice was different. You were...powerful,"

"Powerful as in...?"

"As in you didn't even flinch. It was like...like you were possessed or something!" Jungkook finished.

Taehyung frowned but then smiled weakly, "At least we know I'm the elemental now,"

The others grinned. Taehyung watched with a frown as Jin stood up, walking to Yeontan's head and grabbing the leash, "Is he okay?"

"No idea. He's been a bit weird since the whole thing," Hoseok informed.

Jimin sighed, "Listen, something happened to him at the ambush. I'm not telling you what, because it's his life. His personal life. And don't even ask him about it...just..let him adapt...to everything,"

"The way you talk about him makes it seem like Jin's never done anything in his life," Yoongi snickered.

But Jimin didn't join in. Instead, the blonde looked wairly at his friend, "That's because he hasn't. He really hasn't,"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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