(1) Snow

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A taste of blood shed has gone too long,

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A taste of blood shed has gone too long,

Taehyung was still pondering over the events that took place a few days ago

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Taehyung was still pondering over the events that took place a few days ago. After confirming with Namjoon, who had seen the same thing, both boys concluded that something was going to happen. The two boys had gone down to the ocean by the camp everyday after that, practicing their bending. Both their parents had been water benders, allowing each boy to have the ability to bend the water.

"Tae," Namjoon's voice broke Taehyung out of his daze.

The younger glanced at his brother, who let out a sigh, "Still bothered by it, huh?"

Taehyung nodded, pursing his lips, "It's so random. And painful...Why did it happen then? Why not when we were asleep?"

Namjoon leaned his head up towards the sky. It was clear sky, except for a few clouds here and there. Ever since the vision, Taehyung had been spacing out more than usual. He was constantly in thought.

Taehyung took notice of the older boys silence and let out a huff of air, "I'm bored..."

Namjoon cracked a smile and stood up. Taehyung followed the older automatically, allowing the taller main to guide him down towards the frozen part of the ocean. Namjoon extended his hand out, after stepping onto the ice. Taehyung took it, the two boys walking on the ice towards a small cave.

Now Taehyung understood. His boxy grin took his face and he let out a delightful call, "Yeontan!!!"

The boys stopped outside the cave after Taehyung called. There was silence, before footsteps echoed off the walls of the cave. A large wolf burst out of the cave. And when Taehyung meant large, he meant giant. The wolf stood much large than the two, a saddle on his back. The wold had brown fur, with slightly darker patches.

"Tannie!!!" Taehyung ran to his wolf giving a hug on the wolfs leg, since that all he could reach.

Yeontan sat down, giving Taehyung a lick that smacked his entire body.

"Ah, gross! You better dive into the ocean before bed!" Namjoon commented.

Taehyung didn't respond, as the he had started scratching the giant animals chin. Yeontan's tongue stuck out and his tail wagged sending gusts of wind to the side.

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