(11) Escape

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The four elements controlled by one,

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The four elements controlled by one,

The four elements controlled by one,

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The night had fallen rather quickly. There was no window in the room Jungkook and the older four were in, but they did have the knock on the door. Obviously, no one moved, but Namjoon did speak from his place on the bed he was sharing with Taehyung, "Come in?"

The door opened and a man greeted them, carrying a large tray of food. This man had gray hair on top of his head and a gray beard. His eyes were amber like Jin's but had a slight brown tint to them, making them look warm. His smile was warm and friendly, like the warm red color of his robe. The man entered the room, shutting the door behind himself.

"Jimin sent me to give you kids dinner!" He said, his voice friendly and comforting, "My name is Sejin!"

The boys all looked at each in surprise. This was Jin's uncle?

Though they didn't mean anything bad by it, this man was very different from Jin.

"Well? Are you all going to sit there all day? Come here!" Sejin chuckled, sitting on the ground.

The boys all stood up, sitting down in a half circle formation in front of Sejin. Sejin smiled and pulled out a metal key, "Can't eat with cuffs on. Let's get those off,"

The five extended their cuffed hands, letting Sejin unlock them. The metal was taken away and placed beside Sejin. Sejin motioned to the large tray in front of him, carrying six bowls each filled with some noodles and meat, chopsticks beside each bowl.

"Don't be shy. My nephew asked you to have a proper meal and not many people dare to challenge him," Sejin laughed taking his own bowl and chopsticks.

"Thank you sir," Hoseok smiled, taking a bowl and chopsticks.

The other four followed his lead, taking a bite of their dinner.

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