(9) Team?

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Death is a fear worn by all,

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Death is a fear worn by all,

Death is a fear worn by all,

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It was shocking.

Taehyung had brought up the fact that if they were a team, then they should get to know one another.

Of course, Jin being Jin, he had made a joke about them literally being in his sleeping quarters of a Fire Nation ship, where they were supposed to be prisoners.

The statement had caused laughter.

A reaction neither Fire Bender expected from the other five. Jimin had been the first to laugh, only to stop as he realized he was not alone. Taehyung and Jungkook had also burst into fits of giggled with the joke.

The atmosphere noticeably cleared up after that. Jin and Jimin sat down on the bed, the seven now sitting in a circle. Conversations were started amongst the seven of them, words and facts getting exchanged.

Their ages we're the first thing brought into the light. Jin was the oldest having turned 21 two weeks before. Yoongi was three months younger, born in March of 1993. Following was Hoseok who was a year younger than the black haired Earth bender being born in February of 1994. Namjoon was next, born 8 months after in September. Jimin was 18, being born in 1995 in October, making him about two months older than Taehyung, who was turning 18 the following week. Finally Jungkook, who had an age gap, being born in September 1997 was the youngest at the age of 16.

Jin had practically gasped when hearing the youngest's age. It was like a switch was flipped in his brain. The Fire Bender was quick to ramble about how responsible Jungkook must be to be living on his own at the age of 13.

The next and much longer conversation was more about themselves. Hoseok had initiated this conversation by explaining he had was the youngest of his family of four, who he doesn't keep in touch with, and was dating a Kyoshi Warrior named Suki.

Jungkook followed, explaining how he had left the Eastern Sir Temple at around the age of five, growing up under the custody of an Air Bender until he was 13, and set off for finding about the legend.

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