(3) The Southern Air Temple

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Weak alone, but surrounded by friends

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Weak alone, but surrounded by friends

Namjoon fluttered his eyes open, due to someone shaking his shoulders

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Namjoon fluttered his eyes open, due to someone shaking his shoulders. With a light groan, the water bender looked towards the person finding his younger brother with fear in his eyes. Namjoon's brotherly instincts took over, causing him to shoot awake.

"Tae, whats wrong?" Namjoon pulled the younger into an embrace, glancing at Jungkook, who was still asleep behind Taehyung.

"T-the dr-dreams..." Tae whispered.

Namjoon frowned. Ever since the vision, Taehyung had been getting strange dreams. Not every night, but occasionally he would wake up in cold sweat and fear. Namjoon rubbed circles on his brother's back, "Was it the four elements one again?"

Taehyung shook his head, "It started off with water. Just water all around me. I swam to the surface only for a huge hurricane to come out of no where and swallow me up. I was flying in it, stuck, while the waves also spun around me. Then it all just froze and I fell,"

"That's when you woke up?" Namjoon asked looking towards the sun which had already risen.

Taehyung nodded letting a sigh escape his lips. Namjoon stood up, stretching his arms and back. The water bender looked at their surroundings, finding nothing but water.

"We have no where to stop...and Yeontan cant fly for three days straight. He's gonna need rest tonight," Taehyung spoke up seeing his brothers eyes scanning around.

Namjoon nodded and pointed to the sleeping 16 year old, "Wake him up, I'll get some food out,"

Taehyung turned to the youngest, gently shaking him as Namjoon walked to their supplies. Namjoon pulled out some fruits for the three of them, glancing back after Jungkook let out a tried groan.

"Where are we?" Jungkook yawned.

Namjoon handed the two boys a fruit each, sitting down and taking a bite out of his own. The sweet flavor spread through his mouth making him relax a bit. The eldest turned to face the clouds behind him before speaking, "Were definitely out of the South Pole. I'd say by tomorrow we'd be at some islands we can stop and rest at, "

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