(4) Kyoshi Island

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 Different from each other, each with a regret

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Different from each other, each with a regret.

Jungkook opened his eyes, only to close them again due to the golden rays of the sun

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Jungkook opened his eyes, only to close them again due to the golden rays of the sun. Jungkook sat up, before trying again, this time being aware of his surroundings. Last night, himself and his two new friends had traveled to the Southern Air Temple for Taehyung and a good rest.

"Looks like the bunny is finally awake!" A cheerful voice made Jungkook glance to his right.

Namjoon was loading the sleeping bags onto Yeontan, while Taehyung was showing a boxy grin to the younger boy. Jungkook pushed himself up, rolling his sleeping bag using his bending.

"I am not a bunny Tae," Jungkook pouted at the elder.

Taehyung chuckled, "Sure you aren't"

Jungkook huffed in protest as he threw the sleeping bag up to Namjoon. The male caught the bag with ease, showing his dimples to the Air Bender, "Mornin Kook! You missed some stuff while you slept,"

Jungkook grabbed his glider, jumping up and onto the saddle as Taehyung climbed up, "What did I miss?"

"Taehyung got a dream last night. Something about Kyoshi Island," Namjoon informed before glancing at his younger brother, "Taehyung, steer Yeontan,"

"We're leaving already?"

"Kyoshi Island isn't that far from here, but it does set us back a bit on time from the main islands of the Earth Kingdom," Taehyung explained to Jungkook, who was still processing everything, "But I reckon, were going to find something useful at Kyoshi Island,"

Jungkook nodded and Taehyung commanded Yeontan to start flying. The large wolf took off, the wind fully waking up Jungkook.

Kyoshi Island.

He had heard of the island before. It was home to Elephant Koi, very very large Koi fish, that you could ride. Jungkook had always wanted to try and see if these giant fish were real, but he never had the chance. Perhaps he could try and ride these elephant Koi when they arrived. From what's properly confirmed about the island, is that it named after elemental Kyoshi. An Earth Bender.

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