(16) The Elemental State

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Seven will spare their Blood, Sweat, and Tears

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Seven will spare their Blood, Sweat, and Tears

"I hate this plan," Hoseok whispered and the other five groaned

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"I hate this plan," Hoseok whispered and the other five groaned.

"We know, but we don't have another plan!" Taehyung whispered yelled back.

Jin frowned at the elemental. Taehyung was deadset on returning with Namjoon. Of course, the rest of them were as well, but Taehyung was simply a bit more...sensitive. Jin could understand though. Taehyung was Namjoon's brother, and somehow, the elemental was blaming himself.

Jin could tell.

Calmly, Jin rested a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, the younger glancing back at him. Jin just gave him a knowing look, to which the elemental's face softened. It reminded Jin of his little sister—


Jin cut the train of thought, taking his hand away and shaking his head quickly. He really didn't want to think of home. It would eat him up.

"Okay, does every remember the plan?" Jungkook asked.

"Hide, get information, don't get caught...leave..then form an actual plan," Yoongi summarized.

"Yup, pretty straight forward," Jin shrugged.

"Hey guys," Jimin said from up front, "We found the pirate ship..."

They all looked at one another. Seeing their hesitation, Jin took the first step forward. Crouching behind a bush, Jin peered over. There was a river, the pirate ship was in the river, docked against the side. There were pirates and fire nation guards in the clearing.

"That's a lot of people.." Jungkook muttered and Jin huffed in agreement. His amber eyes were scanning the clearing and the people, seeing if he would need a mask or not.

"DUDE! I'm a living thing, you can be a bit more gentle!" That voice made the team's ears perk.

"Hyung!" Taehyung hissed.

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