(15) Make up, Lose one

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A difficult journey is ahead, I fear

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A difficult journey is ahead, I fear

Taehyung released a sigh, as he tossed in some wood for a fire, they needed to cook up some food

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Taehyung released a sigh, as he tossed in some wood for a fire, they needed to cook up some food. Yoongi and Jimim had gone hunting with the daggers Hoseok had got earlier.

Taehyung scowled at the three very names. They didn't understand his brother. They didn't know his brother the way Taehyung did. They'd never know why Namjoon was desperate to learn his bending. And frankly, even Taehyung wasn't completely sure, but he knew most of it.

"Great, Tae, " Jin smiled at him, pulling the elemental out of his headspace.

Taehyung sent a weak smile back, before sitting down beside Jungkook and across from Hoseok, who was cooking the fish Namjoom had caught with the katana.

It was awkward.

The silence except for the crackle of flames. Jin was the only one speaking to everyone, and Taehyung didn't know how to feel. Frankly, he wanted Jin to be on their side. The elder had a way with words and an aura that radiated a unique strength. He knew the others, especially Jimin, would listen.

"We're back!"

Taehyung flickered his eyes over to the voice, seeing Yoongi and Jimin, holding up some dead animals. The sight made the elemental scowl a bit, but he didn't say anything.

Turning away from them, Taehyung looked at his brother. The water bender was sitting silently, back leaned against Yeontan, who was asleep.

"We should rest after a meal, " Jin told them all, "Namjoon, come here. Time to eat,"

The brown haired make stood up, walking over slowly. Silently, the tallest sat beside Taehyung. Yoongi and Jimin also sat down, Yoongi beside Hoseok and Jimin beside him. Taehyung noticed Jin, glance between the two "sides" with a slight frown. Releasing a sigh, Jin pulled up his sleeves, taking the job of grilling and starting a conversation, "Right...what's the plan after this?"

No one spoke right away. They all glanced awkwardly at one another, before Jin released a huff, "Jimin?"

The blonde fire bender jutted a thumb to the forest behind him, "Yoongi and I found a waterfall and lake in the forest. We can get a bath,"

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