(10) Plan

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But failure seems to be the largest wall

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But failure seems to be the largest wall.

But failure seems to be the largest wall

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It was simple.

At least, that's what Namjoon believed.

The steps of the plan had been made a little bit before, knowledge of the ship's layout coming from the two Fire Benders. They all knew the plan. It was easy. It avoided complications for the most part. But it was for all seven to leave. To start their journey. As a team.

Namjoon had explained the plan to everyone three times, calmly. Thankfully, he had been gifted with lots of patience. The water bender was now just sitting on Jin's bed, leaning against the backrest, surveying the room with his eyes.

Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin were seated on the ground, playing some game. Or talking. Namjoon couldn't exactly tell, but he knew they were getting along well. Hoseok was sitting at Jin's desk, using one of the maps on the desk to overlook where they might be. Yoongi was leaning against the wall in the corner of the room, eyes closed and head hung low. Jin, was also sitting on the bed. Just on the edge.

Namjoon couldn't help but pause his survey at the black haired male. The oldest Fire bender was staring off into nothing, his fingers fiddling with the ring. Jin was dressed in nothing but a simple robe, a shirt underneath. His hair was a bit messy but still looked right on Jin's head. The boy's face was probably the most breathtaking. The dark amber eyes and full l-

Namjoon shook his head roughly, blocking off his thoughts. Where had those come from? Namjoon rubbed his temples, closing his eyes for a few seconds. He repopened them, only to quickly glance at the Fire Bender, who was looking at him in confusion.

"W-what?" Namjoon asked nervous that Jin had somehow caught his staring from before

Jin shook his head, "You looked stressed for a bit...I was just checking on you,"

"Oh," Namjoon responded, "Thanks...I guess?"

Jin nodded. The older looked away for a few seconds before, turning back to Namjoon, "This plan of yours..."

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