Chapter One

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Quick disclaimer: If you haven't seen the first three seasons of Seven Deadly Sins dont read unless you want spoilers.

The Goddess Clan had been at war with the humans, who were led a demon possessed King. This is 5000 years before the actual story takes place. This is when the dreams take place. You wake up 5000 years later, when the events of 7DS take place. The story goes along with the actual anime but will skip over and change some parts.

Your Point Of View (POV)

"You're a disgrace to our kind"
"You will never be accepted anywhere you go"
You wake up after a long night of hearing these voices repeat in your head over and over again. You don't remember who they are, or why they're saying these things but one thing is clear: You are hated by your people. You spend time thinking about why they would hate you to this degree when it hits you; besides those voices, you have no memories at all: you don't know who you are, your name, your age, where you are, you know nothing.

You realize that you woke up inside a dark, rocky cave and run outside to observe the things around you. For some reason, your body is extremely fit and although you seemed to be miles inside the cave, you make it outside in no time. You rotate slowly, taking in the beautiful scenery around you. From your observations, you see that you are high up on a tall mountain, with lots of trees, nearby your cave, as well as a meadow with a huge lake in the middle.

You suddenly feel your parched throat and rush to the lake to hydrate. While you're busy drinking, you're so thirsty you don't notice the two large, rugged, burly men sneaking up behind you. One of them puts a hand on your shoulder and begins to say something, but before he can utter a single word, something inside you clicks. Within the blink of an eye, the two men are lying on the ground, their heads cut clean off, dead. You stare down at your hands and notice the two knives that suddenly appeared in your hands.

"Wait" You think. "They didn't just appear out of nowhere. I've had them on me the whole time... Who am I?... And why do I feel so bad about killing these men." Judging by their looks, the two men were robbers and wanted to rob you for your money, which you had none of. You look at the knives curiously. There is a very ornate pattern carved into them, and the knives looked like holy weapons. On the hilt of one you see a name carved into it. "Y/n. That must be my name." You think. "Y/n has a pretty good ring to it. I like it".

After you finish repeating your name out loud (cuz you feel like getting used to it), you head of into the forest surrounding you to explore. After a while, you head back to the cave, dead tired from wandering around all day. You barely make it a few steps inside before falling asleep, slumping against the wall and onto the floor.
You open your eyes. You're no longer in the cave; instead you're in a place in the clouds. Literally. You look around, amazed. There are great grand buildings all around you, mansions built from gold. Straight ahead you see a marble fountain pouring out what looks like liquid gold. All around there are winged people walking around, talking, laughing, all smiling.

"Y/N!" You turn around. A young man with long black hair and wings is running towards with a worried expression. "He must be an angel" You think. "Wait. He's not angel. He's part of the Goddess clan. Which means..." His voice interrupts your thoughts. "Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you." You are about to respond that you have no idea who he is when you hear another voice right behind you; your own. You realize that this is a dream in which you are spectating your past "This might be a good chance to see who I am" You think. You walk a good distance away to watch and observe. "Ludociel, how many times have I told you to not to worry about me? I can take care of myself you know."

As your past self says these words, a flood of memories come flooding back: you see Ludociel crying as you are escorted out of the place you are in now. You also see yourself in an army of your people, with yourself leading the army into battle. "I'm the captain of the Goddess Army, there's no need to worry about me" The past you says as he ruffles Ludociels hair, smiling. "Yeah, but me and Mommy are always so worried when you leave for battles" He says with a sad look on his face. "Don't worry" your past self says. "Your Onii-Chan won't die on you." "Promise?" Asks Ludociel "Promise"
The dream shifts. You see yourself, now a few years older than the last scene on your dream. Your past self is holding your knife above a human with tears streaming down your face, unable to kill the human. He sheaths the knife and walk away, wanting to spare the humans life, but as he turns Ludociel walks over and stabs the human in the face. "Ludociel!" Your past self exclaims. "You didn't need to kill him. We had obviously won this battle." He sneered. "Humans are disgusting creatures y/n. They don't deserve to live"

You (Your current self") can't help but feel overwhelming anger. As your memories kept flooding back, so did your emotions. You had killed hundreds upon thousands of people and couldn't bare to do it anymore. Not only that, but you didn't believe that what the Goddess Clan does is right, and continue to feel that way now. Killing humans and waging war wasn't right, especially since the Goddess Clan portrayed the humans as evil, selfish creatures. You believed that humans were corrupt, but that killing and taking from them doesn't make you any better.
The dream shifts again. You see yourself standing before the Supreme Deity. She announces in a booming voice "y/n. You are accused of sympathizing with and protecting humans. Is this true?" "Yes," your past self replies. "It is" The Supreme Deity frowns. "You know better than anyone how corrupt humans are and can be. As the captain of all of the Goddess Clan soldiers, including even the Four Archangels, you of all people should not be siding with the humans" "I agree that humans can be and are very corrupt. However, if we kill and take from them, we become just like them. That's hypocritical, and I can't stand for it." Your pats self replies. "I see." The Supreme Deity says. "However, this goes against the law of the Goddess Clan. As punishment for disobeying, you are exiled from heaven to live in the human world that you love soooo much". She says the last part with the most amount of unhappiness possible. "Although you are the second strongest in the clan, you are no exception. I will be stripping you of your magic. Now go, before I kill you"
(I'm sorry this is my first chapter I have no experience with this stuff so I hope you like it :D )

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