Strengths and Magic Breakdown

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Ok so now that you have regained your magic here is a little breakdown.
Physical Strength: You're pretty strong, strength level about 25,000 at base (not trying), 40,000 at full power.
Magic: Your magic power level is 100,000 at base (I told you your magic is super strong :D) and 150,000 at full power. Your magical ability is "Stop". This means you can pretty much stop anything. The time length of the stop depends on the magic power level of your opponent. For example, if you use "Body Stop" (you can use many variations of "Stop") on someone with a magic power level of 50,000, they cannot move their body for 2 minutes. However, your opponents magic power level is 100,000 (when you are at base ) your body stop will last for 15 seconds. Since your magic power is so immense, you can convert your magic power into physical strength and reconvert it if you wish. Other variations of "Stop" are "Partial Body Stop", "Time Stop", "Heart Stop", and "Ultimate Stop". "Partial Body Stop" stop one part of the body (obviously). Lasts longer than "Body Stop". "Time Stop" stops times (obviously) for everyone around while you are unaffected. Lasts about 10 seconds against an opponent with a 100,000 power level. "Heart Stop" is your killing move. It works no matter the power level of your opponent. Its only flaw is that you must be touching the opponents heart in order to stop it. Takes about 1 sec to activate. "Ultimate Stop" is your ultimate move (obviously). You release a field of your magic, stopping everything within a 100 meter radius.
Spirit Power Level: 10,000
Overall Power Level: 135,000 at base, 200,000 at full power

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