Chapter Eleven

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Your punches send Jericho and Guila flying over the mountains. You smile. "I guess I overdid it a little." You sigh, disappointed by how weak they are, and go over to Ban and Meliodas, who have recovered from their defeats. "Are you guys even trying? This is embarrassing." You say. "And you guys are wanted criminals. You should at least play the part and kick some ass." Meliodas shrugs. "I have nothing to say." You smirk, then you spot Diane and King heading towards you guys. "A little late to the party arent ya!" You shout jokingly. Diane smiles sheepishly. "I had to wait for King to get me my clothes." Meliodas gasps. "You're back to normal! I didn't realize! And where's Elizabeth? Isn't she with you guys?" Dianes eyes widen. "I thought she was with you guys!" Meliodas curses. "All right guys let's split up and find her."

You and Meliodas rush over to a nearby group of houses. After a while, you don't find anything until Meliodas shouts "Elizabeth!" You run over to where he was and when you get there he's gone. You see a woman and Griamore with Elizabeth. The woman seems to be holding a purple crystal in her hands. You realize that it is Goddess Amber, something that your clan uses to seal away demons. You watch from afar as Griamore creates a shell around Elizabeth and tries to take her with them. "Help!" Elizabeth cries. "Sir Meliodas! Please help!" As soon as she says these words, the Amber cracks open and Meliodas comes flying out. He breaks the shell with ease and grabs Elizabeth. In his anger, Neliodas had awakened his Demonic powers in order to break out of the Amber. He takes Elizabeth and rush back to the others. You follow them from behind.

When you return Meliodas is fighting with a bearded Knight in goldish orange armor. You see King lying on the ground, defeated. The Knight and Meliodas are about even until the Knight sends Meliodas flying into a hill with a punch. You take this opportunity to join in on the fight. The bearded Knight smiles. "Another one eh? I am Helbram. It's a pleasure to kill you." And with that he swings his sword at you without warning. You block it with ease and punch him in the gut, breaking through his armor. He glares at you, coughing up blood. You smile. "I'm tired of going easy." Then you send him flying over the mountains with a well placed roundhouse kick.

"All done!" You say with a grin. By the time you get rid of Helbram Meliodas has returned to his normal state. "So what now?" Meliodas shrugs. "Let's head back to the Boars Hat first.
Meanwhile, Guila and Jericho have landed high up on top of a mountain. They get up, relieved that they're still alive, and wander around, trying to find their way out. They keep walking until they stumble upon what seems to be a place of worship, sort of like a large shrine. They look around, amazed. Suddenly they hear a booming voice around them. "Hey you. Yes you. Human. Let me borrow your body." Jericho frowns. "Hell no! Who the fuck are you?!" The voice chuckles. "I am Tarmiel, one of the four Archangels." Jericho gasps. "Ar- Archangel? Like one of the four strongest members of the goddess clan? But wh-why would you want my body?" "That's a good question." Another voices appears. "I am Sariel, another archangel. I would also like a body, meaning yours (referring to Guila). We want your bodies to kill a certain someone. We could give you power beyond what you could ever achieve." Guila thinks for a bit. "There is also someone we want to kill. If you take our bodies, will you kill him as well?" "Of course!" Says Tariel. "And now we shall take your bodies."
Back at the Boars Hat, you and the others are discussing where to go next. "Well" says Meliodas, "I've been meaning to go to Ordan. I need to pick some stuff up from there." You sigh. The world has really changed so much throughout the last 5000 years. Suddenly, you sense two powerful beings approaching the tavern. You have an idea of who they could be and rush outside. "Hey!" Shouts Meliodas. "Where are you going!" You dash out the door and see two figures land outside the tavern. It's Jericho and Guila, the Knights from earlier. Wait. Somethings wrong. They weren't even a fraction of what they are now.

"Hey." Jericho smiles. You gasp at the sound of the voice. "You- Tarmiel! How and why are you here! And if you're here, then that be-" "That's right." Says Sariel in Guilas body. "Im Sariel. It's been a while, Captain y/n." Tarmiel grins. "Anyways to answer your question, we are here to kill you. These girls here apparently had the same goal in mind, as they let us take their bodies in order to kill you."

"Kill who?" Meliodas walks out the door. Sariel frowns angrily. "You- Why the hell are you here?!" Meliodas' face grows dark. "Right back at you. Shouldn't you be enjoying your life in heaven?" You sigh. "Meliodas, butt out. This is my fight." You turn back to the archangels. "All right. Why the hell do you wanna kill me?" "Shouldn't it be obvious?!" Sariel is livid. "If you hadn't been sleeping the past 5000 years, we wouldn't have lost the war!" You snort. "Tell that to the Supreme Deity. Shouldn't have exiled me." "Enough talk!" Shouts Tarmiel. "You meet your end today!" You smile. "Meliodas, let me have these guys. This is gonna be the most fun I've had in a while." Meliodas sighs. "Fine." "Now then." You turn to the archangels. "Let's play."

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