Chapter Three

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You wake up feeling irritated, hearing the same voices that had irritated you in your 5000-year nap. You are also feeling slightly disappointed, as you were hoping to have another dream about your past when you fell asleep. You spot a pair of clothes that look like a uniform for a tavern. "Oh yeah" You think, "Today's my first day on the job."

You walk down the stairs where you see Meliodas, Elizabeth, and the pig eating breakfast. "Yo" Says Meliodas, with what seemed to be oatmeal spewing out of his mouth "I didn't introduce you earlier. This is Elizabeth," he says, pointing to Elizabeth (Obviously), "and that's Hawk." He points to the pig. "That's Captain Hawk of the Scraps Disposal" chirps the pig. You leap back in astonishment (you were always a jumpy fellow) and Meliodas laughs. "I- I didn't know he could talk" You say, surprised. "You bet I can," Says Hawk, "and you better respect me before I- MPH!" "Now now little piggy, this is y/n's first day on the job, give him a break will ya" Says Meliodas, playfully shoving Hawk to the ground.

"About that" you say, "what's on the agenda for today?" "Oh, nothing much" He replies. "We're gonna go to the Forest of White Dreams. Elizabeth asked around yesterday and it seems there's another Sin hiding in there" "A Sin?" You ask, "What do you mean?" "That's right" Meliodas says with a little smirk "You've missed a lot in the past 5000 years. He gives you a rundown on the Seven Deadly Sins and the journey he and Elizabeth (and you) are taking. "We're gonna save the kingdom of Liones" You're pretty skeptical, as you remember Meliodas to be the exact opposite of a savior. But you keep your mouth shut, as you sense that he's changed. You also see that Elizabeth doesn't remember very much so you play along.

Meliodas walks out onto what seemed to be just the hill. "All right, to the Forest of White Dreams!" He says. Suddenly, the floor starts shaking and you, Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk are in the air along with the tavern. You're surprised and let out a little scream after you see that you're on the back of a flying pig. "Jeez, you could've given me a warning" you say, flustered. You get a little annoyed when you see everyone laughing at you. "Look Elizabeth, it's the mighty captain of the Goddess Army, screaming over a flying pig" Meliodas says, barely holding in tears. You give him a little punch and sigh. Despite your strength, you've always been quite the softie. That's also why you began to pity the humans, even though you know how evil they can be. You always pitied the weak, and didn't think it was right to take advantage of their weakness.

After a while the Boars Hat and its occupants reaches the forest. It doesn't take long before you reach the middle, where you see a giant silhouette laying on the ground. "C'mere everyone!  I think I found someone!" Meliodas and the others rush over to yo when the giant form starts moving. "Huh? Who are you guys" The voice is female. You realize that it's a female giant (duh lol). Meliodas walks up to her, smiling. "Hey Diane, it's me. Long time no see!"

Dianes face lights up in an instant. "Captain?! I've missed you so much!" She picks him up and gives him a hug that would crush an ordinary mans bones. "Yeah yeah, me too" He says, before hoping down. "By the way, this is y/n" he points to you "this is Hawk" he points to Hawk "and this is Elizabeth" he says, giving her a little grope. "We're gone save Liones from the Holy Knights." Diane spots the groping and immediately wails "Captaaaiiiin! You can't just do that to Elizabeth!" You sense that Diane is jealous but don't say anything, instead staying silent with a little smirk. Then you sense something.

"Speaking of Holy Knights, there's one heading straight towards us" you say. "I don't even need my magic to take him out (def not implying you lost ur magic lol). Should I?" Meliodas shakes his head, getting serious. "Don't bother" With in a flash, the Holy Knight traps you, Diane, and Meliodas in what seems to be lightning. "Hello. I am Holy Knight Gilthunder" says the knight. He is fairly tall and has pink hair. "Hey Little Gil" says Meliodas, ignoring the lightning "haven't seen you in a while" He motions for you to take Elizabeth and Hawk away from the battle, but on his signal. "So what brings you here?"

"I received a report about the Seven Deadly Sins so I came. Today will be your last day in this life" Meliodas laughs. "I dunno. Back in the day, I used to always kick you around." "Don't kid yourself" says Gilthunder. "I am now stronger than any of the Deadly Sins" You see Meliodas pause for a split second, see a little smile, and then it's gone. "Well then, we'll have to see about that." He and Diane break the lightning, as do you. You take Elizabeth and Hawk and run.

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