Chapter Fourteen

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Ludociels words hit you hard. You stand there, frozen by the weight of his words. Your mind flashes back to memories of your past, scenes that you have long forgotten.
"You are weak. Pathetic." Your memory goes back to when you were a child, barely over the age of 12. You put your foot on the neck of a man you had just defeated. "You call yourselves the strongest humans to ever live, but you're utterly pathetic." "Please! I have a family!" You sneer. "Ok. I'll do you a favor. After I'm done here, I'll send your family to the afterlife to join you. Aren't I the best?" You laugh, then crush his throat with your foot.

Next, you go to a few years later, when you're in your teens. You stand on top of a pile of dead bodies, all of whom you had just killed. The bodies are those of your clan, the Goddesses. "Y/N!" You turn around and see the Supreme Deity and the Goddess Army standing behind her. You smirk. "What do you want old hag?" You say this in a bored voice, trying to piss her off. "I'm a busy man." The Supreme Deity sighs. "You need to control yourself. If you want to be the next leader of the Goddess Clan, you need to stop these killing sprees." You chuckle. "Who said I wanted to be the next leader? Besides, it's not my fault these pathetic little shits pissed me the fuck off." She frowns. "You need to learn your place." She stretches out her hand in front of her. A blinding light shines form her hands and you black out.

Your memory shifts to a few hours later. You woke up from the Supreme Deity's attack and find yourself in a bed. You hear voices talking so you keep your eyes closed to eavesdrop. "He's a valuable member of the Goddess Clan. He has the potential to surpass me in a few years. In fact, he's almost as powerful as I am, and he's only 15." You recognize this voice to be the supreme Deity's. "However, we cant keep letting him kill everyone. Something needs to be done about his bloodlust." "I know." This second voice seems to be your mothers. "He's a born killer." The Supreme Deity sighs. "I don't want to exile him, but the Council, and at this rate the whole Clan will want to get rid of him. He's not very well-liked among the Clan." Your mother sighs. "I... I have an idea."

"Really? Let's hear it. I've always listened to your ideas. You were always the smarter one." Your mother chuckles. "I feel like Father always favored you." The Supreme Deity laughs. "Don't say that Sis. He loved us both. Anyways, what's your idea?" Your mother sighs again. "I can seal away most of his power. I know a spell that will seal the majority of his power but still allow him to grow stronger. Since his power is so immense, he will still be strong enough to rule over the clan. However, the seal will be relatively easy for him to break. Besides him, I am only one who can break it. If the time comes and someone wants to break that seal, you must kill me." The Supreme Deity slams the table. "You know I can't do that! You're my sister!" You can't see it, but you can feel your mother smiling sadly. "It's for the greater good. We can't leave his power uncontrolled. As for stopping him from breaking the seal, I can alter his memories to give him a kind heart and control his bloodlust somewhat. However, the spell will wear off after 5000 something years." The Supreme Deity sighs. "I don't like it, but it must be done."
You snap back into reality (Your flashback only lasted like 10 seconds). You stare at your hands, unable to unsee the countless amount of blood you've shed with them. You stare at Ludociel, who is still crying in anger. You clench your fists. "I guess... my fate is unavoidable." Ludociel wipes his tears away and faces you. "That's right. And your fate is to die right here, right now, by my hands. And there's no escaping it." You shake your head. "That's not what I mean. Please, get out of here. I don't want to kill you." Ludociel laughs hysterically. "You?! You can't hope to defeat me now!" You sigh. "I guess there's no avoiding this then."

Ludociel turns to Tarmiel and Sariel, who are on the ground, watching. "You two stay out of this." They start to protest but Ludociel cuts them off. "If you interfere, I'll kill you." Then he turns to you. "Now... it's time to meet your fate." He stretches his arms out to his side and begins to glow. Soon his body is engulfed in shining light. The light shines brighter and brighter until it's too bright to see. When the light subsides, Ludociel is in front of you, but you can see his immense power. You smile. "I'm proud. You've really become strong. Which is why I ask one more time. Leave. Before I can't resist the urge to kill you anymore." It's not a bluff. When you had those flashbacks, you started experiencing a nagging temptation to kill. Fighting someone as powerful as Ludociel would cause you to give in and lose control. Ludociel smirks. "You can't escape your fate. Now... PREPARE TO DIE!"

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