Chapter Five

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You, Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk are making your way to Baste Prison when you see Diane walking back towards you guys. "What's up?Are the prison guards too strong for you~" you say in a teasing way. Diane doesn't respond. You notice a weird look in her eyes. "Hey Diane? Hello? Are you with us?" You jump up to wave your hand in front off her face. No response. Nearby, you see a Shepherd with a little boy walking by. The little boy is holding a staff with a bell on it. The boy waves the staff.

As soon as he does, Diane attacks. You barely have enough time to shove Elizabeth out of the way and take Diane's punch head on. "Y/n! Are you alright?!" Shouts Meliodas. "Yeah. I've seen worse," you say, pushing Diane's fist off of your body with ease. You look back to where you saw the boy. He's gone. "Tch. I have a bad feeling about that boy." You turn around just in time to block another one of Diane's punches. Not wanting to waste any time, you block her attacks without blinking an eye. You sweep her off her feet with a kick and run towards where the boy was.

You sense people hiding under a bridge and quickly hop down. The shepherd and the boy are gone. Instead, you see two Holy Knights, one with a whip and another with a staff. They are both astonished that you found them and you sneer. "You Holy Knights are supposed to be strong. What a letdown." The one with the whip quickly recovers and gets up to fight. "I am Holy Knight Freesia. And you'll regret speaking those words RIGHT NOW!" She swings her whip, and thousands of bugs coming flying towards you. "These bus will eat through your body within seconds!" She says, confident.

You smile. Although you don't like to kill, you've always enjoyed crushing villains. You walk out of the swarm of bugs, unharmed. Freesia gasps. "Wait. WAIT! I didn't mean to" But before she can finish, you lunge forward and tap her on the helmet with one finger, sending her flying into a tree, knocking her unconscious. "One finger" You say, disappointed. "One finger is all I need to defeat you guys." The other Knight sneers. He starts to shake his staff, but before he can you grab his staff and snap it in half. Then you give him a tap to the head, knocking him out.

You return to the rest of the group, where Meliodas and Diane seemed to have been fighting but have recovered from the Knights spell. "I've taken care of the enemy" you say. "Lets hurry up to Baste Prison. I'm getting bored." Meliodas chuckles. "The guards there aren't gonna be any stronger than the two Knights you just beat, you know that right?" You sigh. "What a shame."
When you arrive at the Prison, you see a group of knights have gathered to prevent you from getting into the prison. You smile. "Looks like fun. You guys go on ahead. These guys are mine." Meliodas nods, and he, Elizabeth, Diane and Hawk run into the Prison. Meanwhile, you grab the guards attention. "Hey idiots. I'm the one you're gonna fight today." The guards turn, blink, and sneer. "We're knights of the Holy Order. We don't even need to try to beat you." You smile. "Now that's the spirit." Within seconds, you dispose of the guards using only you right pinkie. The only one left is a tall, slender looking Holy Knight in golden armor. The Knight lets out a laugh. "Tough luck that your opponent is me. I am Holy Knight Ira (made him up lul), the strongest Knight in the order of the Weird Fangs."

When he says this, your eyes light up. "So does that mean you're actually gonna be some fun? All right. I'll use my right hand. It's a step up from my pinkie, right?" Ira sneers, unsheathe his sword and lunges towards you. You easily dodge all of his attacks, staying in the same spot the whole time. Ira realizes that none of his attacks are connecting and quickly jumps back. "I though you said you were strong." You say, disappointed. "All right then. I'll show you my true power" Ira takes in a deep breath, and magic starts flowing through this body, making him larger and more muscular. "This is my Body Enhancement." Ira says proudly. "My strength and speed are multiplied by 5 when I activate my magic." You sigh. "Booooooring." You flick him in the forehead, sending him flying. "And here I though, humans would've gotten stronger over the last 5000 years. Instead, they've grown loads weaker. I don't like killing, but I still would love a good fight." Shaking your head, you head into the Prison.
After finding Ban, You, Meliodas and the rest of the group head back towards the Boars Hat. "Oh Ban! This is y/n." Meliodas points to you. "He's gonna be helping us on our journey to save Liones." You smile. "Yo." He smirks. "You seem like fun. Maybe I'll tag along for this journey." Meliodas smiles. "Great! Anyways, next we'll be heading to the Capital of the Dead. King, the Grizzly Sin of Sloth, is reported as dead, but there's rumors that he's been hanging around there. We're gonna go check it out."
After a few hours, the Boars Hat and it's occupants reach a small town called Post Town Tala. "This is as far as we can get." Says Meliodas. "We'll have to find the Capital of the Dead on foot." You sigh. "Hopefully we'll meet someone worth fighting this time" Ban chuckles. "I'd so love to fight you" he says. "It would be very entertaining." You snort. "Like you could even lay a finger on me." "Now now now" says Meliodas "let's head out to Post Town Tala. Diane, you stay here with Elizabeth and watch the tavern." Diane frowns. "Captaaaain! That's so boringgggg. I wanna go exploreeee.. with you." Meliodas chuckles. "No." And with that, the three of you head into Post Town Tala.

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