Chapter Ten

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Meliodas signals for you to attack first, and you oblige. You dash forward and swing with your right, slowing down just enough so Meliodas has time to dodge. Even when you're not trying, you're still loads stronger than Meliodas, so you slow down just to have fun. "Nice dodge" you say, feigning praise. He senses your sarcasm and frowns and launches a counterattack. You lower your speed to his level and dodge and block, making it an entertaining fight for the crowd. "Wow! It looks like y/n has finally met his match!" Shouts Love Helm. "After easily defeating his opponents in the first two rounds, y/n seems to be dead even with Meliodas!"

You smile. "See? We're dead even. Oh wait. Just kidding!" You force palm him right in his chest, knocking the breath out of him. "Cmon Meliodas, this can't be all you got" you say, purposefully trying to provoke him. "Guess I'll have to beat it outta you. This is getting boring." You dash behind him in the blink of an eye and put your hand on his back. "Body Stop". Meliodas instantly freezes. You sigh. "I didn't want to have to do this, but this whole thing has been super boring you know? I need something FUN!" You punch him right in the gut. Meliodas falls to the floor, his body still frozen.

"Oh my! It looks like Meliodas is unable to move! Is this one of y/n's powers, or is Meliodas simply just out of energy?" You smile, and proceed to kick him, breaking one of his ribs. "Lets go Meliodas. You can't win without those powers." You know that he's trying to hide his true identity but you just can't resist any longer. You've been bored for too long. You walk over to where his body is. You put your foot on his throat and apply pressure. This causes an uproar in the crowd. "Let him go! It's not that important! You've already won!" You ignore them and dig your foot deeper into his throat. "Get up."

"Contestant y/n, please remove your foot from Meliodas' neck, or you'll be disqualified." You ignore Love Helm and push harder. "Y/N! PLEASE STOP!" You hear Diane and the other screaming from the crowd. You ignore them and whisper into Meliodas' ear. "After you I'm gonna kill Elizabeth next." After you say these words Meliodas suddenly unfreezes. You see his demon mark appear on his forehead. He throws your foot off his neck and slams you to the ground. "Oh my! It looks like Meliodas has turned the tables. What a turnaround!" You smile. "That's more like it!" Unlike you, Meliodas is serious. He throws a barrage of punches at your face over and over again without holding back. You laugh. And then you sigh. "This power... it's not enough." You shove Meliodas off of you and with one quick flick you send him flying into a mountain.

The crowd is stunned. "Well then... the winner of this years Vaizel Fighting Festival is Y/N!" Right after Love Helm announces your victory you sense two Holy Knights heading towards you. They're very weak compared to you but you don't want them to harm the civilians. You suddenly shout "GET AWAY FROM HERE! OR ILL KILL YOU ALL!" Ban, King, Meliodas and Diane join you on the stage and help. "You have ten second before I send your head rolling!" Says Meliodas menacingly. The people start running frantically. Suddenly a large explosion happens near the arena. You look at the others and nod.

You fly towards where you sense the two Knights. You no longer need to hide your wings since most of the pedestrians are gone. One of them is Guila, from the Capital of the Dead. You smirk. When they spot you, Guila frowns angrily. "I owe you one from the Capital of the Dead. I don't know what you did, but I've gotten a lot stronger, so take this!" She points her sword towards you, and a ball of magic comes flying towards you. You swat it back and it explodes on the creature that she and the other Knight were flying on. You sigh. "I kinda miss the old days. I'm itching for a good fight." Although you have a kind heart and wish to protect the human race, you've been trained as a fighter and a killer and love a good fight. Since you're a killer, your ruthlessness has constantly been conflicting with the rest of you.

You fly down to wear the Knights had landed. Meliodas and Ban join you. Guila points her sword at you, flustered. "What the hell are you?!?! Some kind of Goddess?!" You smirk. "I'm just looking for some fun. These guys are boring. Meliodas, Ban, I believe you have a score to settle. I'm gonna back off and watch the fight." Ban snorts. "Don't expect too much." The other Holy Knight suddenly attacks Ban without warning. "I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You!" She yells each word after she thrusts her sword. She is a lot faster than Ban and soon, Ban is a bleeding mess. You chuckle. "Sheesh, what's her problem." That seems to make the Holy Knight even angrier. "I am Holy Knight Jericho. And YOU!" She points at Ban. "You humiliated me at Baste Prison! This is revenge!"

You smile. "Well Ban? What does the convicted have to say for himself." He smiles back. "Guilty as charged." He swings a punch at Jericho who easily dodges it and stabs Ban in the chest. "I'll kill you! Over and over and over and over until you can't regenerate anymore!" Meanwhile, Meliodas was struggling against Guila. He was not fast enough to Counter all of her explosions, and as a result could not land a hit on Guila. Soon, both he and Ban were lying on the floor, defeated. "Now" says Gula, turning to you. "It's your turn." You sigh. "I guess I'll play for a bit." You dash forwards and put your hands on each of their stomachs. "Magic Stop." Then you punch them both, sending them flying.
Meanwhile, Diane is stuck in a deep chasm created by a Holy Knight who had the magical power of Gravity. She has returned to her original size and is climbing out of the chasm when she realized she doesn't have any clothes. She shouts for King, who immediately flies around looking for her clothes until finding them and returning them to her. She gets dressed then climbs out of the chasm. She spots her sacred treasure, the Gideon, leaning on a nearby mountain. She grabs it and runs towards the action. "Cmon King! Let's go help the others." King smiles. "Yeah."

The Fallen Angel [COMPLETED] (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now