Chapter Six

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You spend some time wandering around, exploring. After a while of walking around, you get tired after finding nothing about King. You find Post Town Tala to be basically a ghost town, as you don't encounter a single person and everything looks the same: old, run-down, and dying. You find a tree to lean on and take a nap.
You open your eyes and you're back in the home of the Goddess Clan, but inside a house . You're inside what seems to be your home (in the past). Your past self is sitting at a table crying, Ludociel behind him comforting him. "It's ok" he says, obviously trying to cheee you up. "Mother wouldn't want to see you like this. Stay strong." You slam you hands into the table. "How can you say that?! Are you not angry that they killed our mother?!?! Our own people, the oh so holy and righteous Goddess Clan executed one of their people. It's not fair! She did nothing wrong!"

As you witness this scene, more memories start to come flooding back. Your mother was someone that you loved with all your heart, and vice verse. She had raised you and Ludociel mostly by herself since your father was always out at war. She was one of the few people that you had major respect for. She was executed for conspiring with the enemy, which you had never believed. Your mother would never do anything like that.

Back in your dream, while you're still crying, an old man of a Goddess walk into the house. "Man up! What kind of Captain are you, crying over a death. Get over it!" The old man shakes his head, disappointed. You lift your head and stare at him with a murderous look. "You shut you mouth, talking about being a man. Mother would never conspire with the enemy. She was as faithful to this calm as anyone. And SPEAKING OF FAITH" you say, raising your voice, " SHE WAS FAITHFUL TO HER CHILDREN, UNLIKE YOU! She was always here for us, doing her best to care for us while you were never here. Don't you DARE tell me to get over her death! Or I'll kill you!" Your father snorts. "I doubt you could. You've gone through countless years of training to become a killer and you're still the biggest softie in the whole damn universe. If only Ludociel has as much raw talent as you do. He has the right mindset, just not your strength. You could be even stronger than the Supreme Deity if you weren't as much as a pussy as your mother."

These words pushed you over the edge. You grab your father by neck and with one quick squeeze you crush his throat. You turn to Ludociel. "Not a word about this, you understand?" He nods, scared out of his mind. You crouch to the floor, surprised that you actually killed your father, and weep."
"Y/N! Wake up!"
You open your eyes. You're back in the real world, where Meliodas and the others are standing over you, worried. "Oh good. I thought you were knocked out for a second? Hey, are you alright? You look a little shaken."
"Im fine!" You say, a little too quickly. "Ok.." Meliodas gives you a worried look. "All right. Well, while you were napping, we located King but he disappeared. However, we've figured out how to get to the Capital of the Dead. We think that King might be headed there as well." "Perfect!" You get you from your resting spot and dust yourself off. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
You find yourselves at a large flowery field. "Ok everyone" says Meliodas. "The way to get in from here is to think of memories about someone that you were really close to and is now dead." You pause. "Was it a coincidence that I just had a dream about my mother's death?" You shake your head, trying to wake yourself up. You then start to think about all of the memories you have of your mother. You feel a light breeze blowing, and suddenly it feels like you're being blown away.

The next thing you know, you and the others are in a weird looking world full of green crystals. You take a look around you, amazed by the scenery. You also feel like somebody is watching you. Suddenly, Ban dashes after something, as if he's chasing something or someone. "Ban!" Shouts Meliodas. "What are you doing?!?!" Ban ignore him and keeps running until he's out of sight. Meliodas shakes his head, annoyed. "We need to go after him. Who knows what he's after." You snort. "You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up." "All right. Holler if you see them." You smirk. "Sure"

After they leave, you turn around and shout "Who's there?! I can sense you ya little shit." After a bit, you see a form walk form behind a crystal and gasp. It seems to be a familiar old Goddess- your father. "Hello y/n." He says smiling. "I've been waiting for you." You glare at him. "What the hell do you want?" He laughs. "Nothing. Just wanted to see my son one more time. You still look just like your mother." You know he said that last part just to make you upset but you bite on his bait and attack. He easily dodges your attack and sneers. "Looks like you've gotten slow in your old age." You grunt and launch another barrage of attacks. He evades all of them and slams you to the ground. "You're weak. Just like your mother." You scream angrily, but are helpless against his power.

"Listen son." He says. His tone has totally changed. "There's is going to come a time where you will have to kill. You can't keep going on sparing the lives of your enemies. You, my son, are born with a curse. You have power, but an extremely kind heart. And because of your curse, your friends will end up taking advantage of you and betraying you. You cannot afford to keep people around you. You must learn to trust no one. And to kill. Because your sole destiny is to survive by any means possible." You scrunch up your face, confused. "What do you mean?" Your father sighs. "I have foreseen a coming battle where you are going to need your magic, which I will give you using my magical ability, Restore. However, in this fight, you will have to make a choice. Kill, or be killed. The road ahead is a tough one."

Your father places his hand on your chest. He recites an incantation and you see a shining light coming from the sky. You feel a burning sensation, and then feel your magic flowing back into you. You also feel a tingling in your back; your wings are growing back. You look at your father, who for the first time in you life you see shedding a tear. "Good luck y/n. I'll be watching from the afterlife." And with that, he leaves. You spend some times thinking about your father when you hear an explosion. You run to go check it out.
I'm sorry it's pretty long and kinda bad I'm super tired TwT

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