Chapter Seven

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You get to the scene of the fight. Meliodas, Diane and Ban are struggling against a Holy Knight. You sigh. Even without a weapon, Meliodas should still be able to defeat the Knight with ease. "You really have gotten weak." You say, shaking your head. The Knight turns towards you. "Once I'm done with them it'll be you next." You smirk. "Sorry, but I'm an impatient man." You mutter the words "Time Stop". Everything around you immediately stops. You smile, glad that it worked. You weren't sure since it had been a long time since you've used your magic. You make your way up to the Knight and flick her on the forehead, sending her into a crystal and knocking her out cold. You smirk and release the spell.

"What the hell was that?" Says Ban, confused. "And when the hell did you get over there. And where the hell is Guila (the Holy Knight)?" Meliodas smiles. "Looks like you got your magic back. How did that happen?" You shrug. "I dunno. Just came back I guess." You don't want to talk about your encounter with your dad, mostly because of the prophecy he had for you. Meliodas gives you a look but doesn't press. "Ok..." You smile. "Don't worry about it alright? Anyways, who's that dude flying towards us?" You point to King, who flies into the scene. "Oh!" Meliodas gestured to King. "This is King, the Grizzly Sin of Sloth." King, this is y/n. He's going with us on our journey to save Liones. Wanna come with?" King thinks for a second.  "Sure. But why does y/n have wings? Who is he?"

Once King mentions your wings, the rest of the group notices them too. "That's right! Since when did you grow wings?" Says Meliodas. You shrug. "Must've grown em back with my magic." "Back?!" Says King, shocked. "What are you, a Goddess." You laugh. "Sure. You can say that."

While you guys are talking, you start to feel weird. You look at your body and it looks as if you're fading away. "It seems that the Capital of the Dead is rejecting our bodies." Says Meliodas, waving his arms in the air. "This feels kinda funny." You laugh, as does everyone else.

When you guys return to the regular world, you see a body standing still, like a statue. You realize that it's Guila, the Holy Knight that you tough in the Capital of the Dead. You smirk, walk over, and tap her on the forehead. Then you walk away.

Back at the Boar Hat, you and the others are gathered around a table. "So, where to next?" Meliodas takes a bite out of his sandwich. "I dink we shud find Dianesh Gieon" he says while chewing. You cringe. "That's gross dude. Also can you repeat yourself? No one understood you." He swallows. "I think we should look for Diane's Gideon." "That's right" says King. "We need to find your guy's sacred treasures. Where the hell are they anyways?" Meliodas smiles. "I sold mine." Ban smirks. "Mine was stolen." King facepalms. "Sold and stolen. You guys are ridiculous. What about you Diane? What happened to yours?" She smiles sheepishly. "I uhhhhh... I sort of lost it." King groans.

"Does anyone have any idea where theirs might be?" He asks, face still in his palms. "Well, there's rumors that Diane's Gideon might be in Vaizel." Meliodas wipes his mouth and cleans his plate. "So that's our next destination. We'll head there tomorrow morning. First let's get some sleep." You nod, and head up to your room, where you fall into a deep sleep.
You sleep without dreaming and wake up nice and early. You get up, put your uniform on and head downstairs. "Moooorning" says Meliodas, yawning into his hand. You nod and look out the window. The Boars Hat is well above the clouds as it's flying towards Vaizel. "We'll be there in about an hour. You want something to eat in the meantime?" Meliodas gets up and goes to the stove. "Sure."

After you get there, you spill it up into groups. Diane and Elizabeth go find ingredients for dinner while you, Ban, King and Meliodas head into town to get information. You wear a cloak to hide your wings. After asking around, you find out that Dianes Gideon is being offered as a prize in a fighting festival. You smirk. "Hey guys. How about we make a bet. Whoever wins the fighting festival doesn't have to do their chores for the next week." Ban smiles. "I'm in." Meliodas laughs and decides to join as well. King sighs. "Fine..." You smile. "Perfect. This should be some fun. I'll only use my right hand to make it fair."

The four of you arrive at the arena. The announcer, Love Helm, is explaining the rules. "Everyone that is participating, please step up onto the arena." You step up onto the platform with your friends and look around the crowd. Most of the people look weak, but you spot a couple Holy Knights. You tap Meliodas on the shoulder. "You don't think those Knights happen to be looking for us do you?" He thinks for a second. "I dunno. Let's just have some fun huh?" You smile. "Yeah, lets."

"Alright. The rules for the prelims is that everyone will try and knock each other off the stage until there are eight people left. The remaining eight people will be advancing to the quarterfinals. Aaaaand.. Begin!" After you knock a couple people out, you sit down and wait, bored because you seem everyone to be weak. Whenever some comes your way you send them flying with a flick.

After a few minutes, you, Meliodas, King, and Ban are among the eight finalists. You meet in the hut to discuss the matchups. Love Helm announces them. "First up is y/n versus Howzer. Next we'll have Cain versus Old Fart King. Third will be Griamore versus Matrona. Last we'll have Meliodaf versus Baaaaaan." You smirk, as does Meliodas. Ban was in charge of submitting the names and had to enter us under aliases because the Sins are wanted by the Holy Knights (not you though). "All right folks. Ten minutes till the first fight: y/n versus Howzer." You smile. "This should be fun."

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