Chapter Eight

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"All right! Will Contestants Howzer and y/n please step onto the arena." You smile. "This should be fun." You walk into the stage where your opponent, Howzer, is already waiting. You take a close look at him, analyzing him. He's in pretty good shape for a human, has a decent magic ability. You smile at Howzer. "All right. Since I'm in a good mood, I will only use my right pinkie." This seems to make Howzer angry, as he feels insulted. Then he sneers. "You'll regret that decision."

"And now! The first fight of the Vaizel Fighting Festival... BEGIN!" Howzer lunges at you and launches a volley of attacks. You dodge all of them. You yawn, just to provoke him. "Wow! Howzer attacks are lightning fast, but he can't seem to land a single hit!" You give Howzer an exaggerated smile. "Guess I'm just too good" you say, pretending to yawn again. You laugh when you see that Howzer is furious. Making him angry should make him for fun to fight, so you purposely irritate him. He smirks. "Fine then. I guess I'll have to get serious." He takes off his shirt and place his hands on the ground. You feel the wind start to pick up, and soon you are encompassed in a huge tornado.

Howzer laughs. "How do you like my Great Tempest? You'll keep getting tossed and thrown until you're out of the arena." "Oh no" you say, being sarcastic, "what will I ever do?" Then you laugh. This makes Howzer increase the power of his tornado, but it only increases his frustration when he realizes it has no effect. You smile. "I guess its my turn to attack. Time Stop." Everything around you freezes, including the tornado. Magic attacks are frozen too because they are part of the timeline that is frozen. You walk up to Howzer and think. "Hmmmm. I think I want to have some fun, so I'll take my time." You touch his chest with your pinkie (honoring your promise) and say "Magic Stop". Then you release "Time Stop".

When you release the spell, the tornado has disappeared. Howzer leaps back in shock. "How the hell did you get in front of me?!? And what did you do to my magic!?!" You smile. "Your magic is temporarily disabled for the next ten minutes. As for your other question, I'm afraid I can't answer that. You'll probably find out at one point though. For now, let's enjoy the battle." "AMAZING!" shouts Love Helm. "Y/n just disappeared and then reappeared. What else does he have in his bag of tricks?" Says Love Helm, and the crowd roars.

Back in the crowd, King is wondering the same thing. "How DID he do that Captain? It felt like he disappeared and then reappeared." "Thats his magical ability, "Time Stop". He can stop time and move at will while everyone else is frozen. He used "Magic Stop" to disable Howzer's Tempest. His Magical ability "Stop" is obviously a force to be reckoned with." King shudders. "Glad he's not my opponent."

On the ring, Howzer is flustered, out of ideas. You sigh. "What a disappointment. You Holy Knights are supposed to be strong." Howzer lunges again, trying to land a hit in desperation. You sigh, dodge, and tap his right arm with your pinkie "Arm Stop". The instant you say those words his arm goes limp.

Howzer leaps back, alarmed. "What did you do to my arm?!? What the hell?!" You laugh. "Howzer. Listen carefully. I'm going to tell you everything I'm gonna do from here on out. I'm going dodge your attacks, and then disable your left arm. Then your right leg. Then your left leg. And then you go out of bounds. Unless you surrender." Howzer glares are you. "I'm never gonna surrender to you. And I'm never gonna let you win either. I'm gonna come out on top!" You smile. "Well folks, it looks like y/n has the clear advantage. However, Howzer won't go down without a fight! Let's hope that a miracle happens and Howzer will come out on top!"

You smile. "Well then. Come. Show me your resolve." Howzer obeys and swings a left hook. You dodge the punch and tap his left arm with your pinkie. "Arm Stop" His left arm goes limp. He growls in anger and roundhouse kicks you with his right leg, but you block it with your pinkie. "Leg Stop" His leg slumps. "And for the finishing moooooove" you say, flicking his left leg. "Leg Stop" His leg falls limp as he's sent flying off of the arena. "Aaaaand the winner of the first match is Y/N! He won by a long shot. The next match will start in 10 minutes."

You walk off the stage to where Howzer has fallen. You stick out your hand. "I'm sorry Mr. Howzer. I said all of those things on purpose because I wanted a good fight. I admire your resolve." He narrows his eyebrows and sighs. "Fine. I accept your apology. I admire your strength." He says, poutingly. You smile. "Well, lets enjoy this next match shall we?"
(Just an FYI I'm only gonna be writing your fights as they take a while to write and your fights are the only relevant ones anyways).

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