Chapter Fifteen

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(Warning: It gets a little gory in this chapter.)
Ludociel dashes at you and throws a punch straight at your face. You block it and throw one of your own but he seats it away. You throw a kick and he catches your leg, swings you around and tosses you into a nearby mountain. You kick off the mountain and come flying back towards him, and start another attack. He blocks all of your blows and throws his own punches, none of them hitting. You stop time and wrap him in your magic. The spell only lasts a few seconds. When time unfreezes, he smirks. He suddenly disappears and reappears behind you, giving you a kick in the back and sending you flying. He smiles. "That's my Grace, 'Flash.' Do you like it? With it I am faster than anyone that ever existed, besides the Supreme Deity." You smirk. "Like I give a shit." You create a blade of magic around your hands. You dash at him but as soon you attack, he uses his Flash to move behind you. You turn around and he punches you in the gut, then smacks you in the face, breaking your nose.

You stop time just enough to get away from him. You use your magic to heal yourself. He smiles. "What did I say? You're not a match for me. But don't give up. I want to crush you like the traitorous little bug you are." He opens his eyes, which don't have any pupils. That was one thing about him that always freaked you out. "I'm gonna take my precious time to enjoy your defeat." You sigh. "My dear little brother, I'm not gonna ask you again. Leave. Now." Ludociel glares. "Shut up! The only thing I hate more than traitors is cowards. And you're BOTH!" Without warning he uses his flash to dash up in front of you and gives you an uppercut straight to the chin. You take in the pain and grab his arm with both hands. "Arm Stop!" His right arm falls limp. He leaps back in shock. You smirk. It should only last a few minutes, but you're not gonna let him know that. He glares. Then he laughs. "I know that you're not strong enough to stop my arm for more than a few minutes. Even so, I don't need it to beat you."

You smile. "Try it." He Flashes behind you but you anticipated that and stopped time before hand. You punch him in the gut and release the spell. You laugh. "I don't care about your damn Grace. I still have more experience than you when it comes to fighting. He glares at you and Flashes again, but you just stop time and punch him in the face. This process repeats itself several times until you start to run out of mana. He notices as your spell begins to last shorter and shorter. He smirks. "Beginning to lose it?" Then he laughs. "Was this your strategy? You're so weak! Weak! Pathetic!" He Flshes up to you and grabs you by the neck. He looks up to the sky. "I hope you're watching, Father! I'm going to crush this bastard and send him up to you!" He slams you to the ground and puts his foot to your neck. Then he grabs your arm and rips it off.

You clench your teeth. He grins. "Trying to hold in the pain? I'm going to make you scream!" You shake your head. You don't say it out loud, but the urge to kill him is almost irresistible. If it goes on any longer, you won't be able to stop yourself. Ludociel rips your left arm off next. You keep your mouth shut, focusing every bit of your energy in controlling yourself. You know that it's better you die than if you lose control, but you cant last more than a few more seconds. He then proceeds to rip your left leg, then your right leg. "Kill me." You beg. "Do it now!" He grins. "You pathetic shit. I'm gonna take my time." He digs his foot harder into your throat. You cough up blood. He smiles. "Now beg! I don't care if I'm choking you. BEG FOR MERCY!" You sigh. "I.. I can't hold it in anymore." He stops smiling. "What's that you said?" You glare at him. "You wanna know what I said? I said that I'm pissed off. And. Now. I'm. Gonna. MURDER. YOU!" You break the seal holding in your true strength. The power floods out, enveloping everything in a 100 meter radius in your magic. Your ultimate move. "Ultimate Stop." You say. Your body has healed completely with the release of your magic. "Ultimate Stop is the key to the release of my power." You walk up to the now frozen Ludociel. You smile sadistically. "You... IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" You grab his head and rip it off. Then you rip apart his body with your bare hands, completely mutilating him. You tilt your head back and smile. "I- I HAVENT FELT SO GOOD IN SO LONG! IM GONNA KILL! IM GONNA KILL EVERYONE!" You fly off and start your massive killing spree.

A few hours later, you stand on top of a pile of millions of bodies. You take each body and rip it apart, unable to contain your bloodlust even after killing. Suddenly, you feel a strong presence behind you. You smile. It's the Supreme Deity. "Well hello there! Long time no see!" The Supreme Deity looks at you, dead serious. "Y/n... it's time to die." You smile. "You don't know how many times I've heard that today. Well, come at me! I'm itching to kill you!" You tilt your head back and laugh. And laugh. And laugh.

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