Chapter Nine

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The rest of the fights were relatively boring in your taste. Cain, an old man who seemed very peculiar to you, had defeated King. Watching King lose was extremely funny to Ban, as you discover that he is extremely weak with his sacred treasure, Chastefol. You sigh. "These Seven Deadly Sins aren't too powerful themselves" you think. "Should've just stayed asleep." The third fight was between Griarmore and Matrona. Griarmore used his ability, "Perfect Shell" to try and push Matrona off the edge. Matrona broke the shell and won using her outstanding strength. Matronas hat fell off during the fight, revealing her to actually be Diane. After the fight, she explains that she and Elizabeth were shrunk by a mushrooms spore while gathering supplies for dinner. "Where's Elizabeth?" Asks Meliodas, worried. Diane points to her chest. "She's uh... in here." You smirk when you see King blush. He has a very obvious crush on Diane.

Next was the fight between Meliodas and Ban. Meliodas was obviously a lot stronger than Ban, but Ban's magical ability, "Power Hunt", allowed him to steal the physical strength from other people. After a while, Meliodas was on the ground, unable to stand after Ban had stolen all his strength. But when Ban walked over to finish him off, Meliodas used his demonic strength to launch Ban into a nearby mountain. The crowd was stunned, as it looked like Meliodas was defeated. Instead, he was the winner. You smirk, as no one but you knows that he is actually a demon and just hiding his powers.

"All right! Meliodas is the winner! What a fight!" Says Love Helm enthusiastically. "Next will be the first match of the semifinals: Y/n, the mysterious man in the cloak, versus Cain, the old man! Will the contestants please step onto the stage?" You and the old man take your respective places. "Pick a hand: right or left?" The old man gives you a smile. "Don't go easy on me. Use both." You smirk. "Left it is." "And now, the first fight of the semifinals.... begiiiiiin!"

Cain smiles. "You may be strong, but have you seen this?" He raises his hands in the air and throws them down, launching a giant fireball in your direction. You swat it effortlessly. Cain's smile turns into a frown. "Have some more!" He launches a barrage of fireballs, each one bigger and stronger than the last." You bay then all away with your left hand. When you finish with the last fireball, Cain is gone. You sense him behind you and smack him with your left hand. He flies out of the arena but before he touches the ground he launches a fireball, propelling him up and back onto the arena.

"Nice try old man." You smile. "Not bad for someone past his prime." Cain sighs. "Oh well. There's nothing I can do to defeat you. I forfeit." You extend your hand out to him. "Good fight. You would've been a formidable opponent if you were younger." He shakes your hand. "I enjoyed our fight as well. Where are you from? It's not everyday you meet someone as strong as you." You shrug. "I don't have many memories of my past." Which is a half-lie. You remember some things and you know where you're from, but you don't have all your childhood memories. You also don't want people knowing what you are. "Well, good luck." He says. "I'll be watching your next fight from the crowd." You smile. "Thanks."

You return to Meliodas and the others. "Good job." Says Meliodas. You smile. "Thanks. Your fight is next." He grins. "Thanks. You ready Diane?" Diane frowns. But I don't wanna fight Captain." Meliodas chuckles. "It's ok Diane. We don't have to go full out." She smiles. "Right." "And now, will contestants Matrona and Meliodaf please step onto the stage for the second match of the semifinals." "Good luck" You say, but they can't hear you over the crowd.

Before Meliodas and Diane start fighting, a group of fangirls start calling Meliodas, causing Diane to get jealous. She completely forgets about not going full out and once Love Helmet says "Begin!" she rushes at Meliodas, throwing a barrage of punches at full force. Meliodas blocks them all but is confused. "W- wait a minute Diane! I thought we weren't going full force!" She ignored Meliodas and keeps throwing punches but can't connect. "Heyyyy Dianeee. There's nothing to be jealous about. You're a valued comrade." She stops. "You- you mean it?" Meliodas smiles. "I mean it." They continue to fight, but not as intense. Eventually Meliodas starts to overwhelm Diane with his attacks and sends her flying into the crowd. "Oops. Maybe I overdid it a little." He says, laughing sheepishly.

When they return to you, Ban, and King, you smile at both of them. "Good fight guys." King smiles. "Yeah, good job Diane." You and Ban both smirk at him. "W-What?!? Good job to Captain too!" He says, flustered. You and Ban both laugh, then turn and look at each other. You laugh again. "Whaaaat? What's so funny?" "Nothing! Nothing at all!" You say, unable to contain your laughter. King blushes, embarrassed. "And now, for the final match of the Vaizel Fighting Festival, will contestants Meliodaf and y/n please step onto the arena!" You and Meliodas smile at each other. "I'm go 10% for old times sake." Meliodas snorts. "It's been a couple thousand years. You should enjoy this." You take your respective places. "And now.. BEGIN!"

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