Chapter Twelve

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Tarmiel dashes towards you with a left hook. You block and swing with your right, which he deflects as well. You grin. "Time Stop". As soon as time stops you sneak behind and roundhouse kick him in the back, then release the spell. Tarmiel goes flying into a tree. Sariel frowns. "Looks like your as strong as ever." He remarks sourly. You smile. "I'm just getting warmed up." Which was true, actually. You hadn't had a decent fight until now for 5000 years. 

Tarmiel sneaks up behind you and aims a punch at your head, but you duck and punch him in the gut. He doubles over and you uppercut him in the face, breaking his nose. Sariel grunts and dashes in, his sword pointed out towards you. You grab the sword with your bare hands and pick Sariel off the ground with it. You lift him above your head and slam him into the ground, then toss him into Tarmiel. "Wow!" Exclaims King. "Those two are archangels and y/n is still mopping the floor with them." You smirk. "They were only children when I left. That's basically what they are to me now." Sariel glares at you.

"We're archangels, the strongest warriors of the Goddess Clan. Show some respect." You laugh hysterically. "Respect?! You?! Earn it." You stop laughing and glare back. "Make your move ya little shits. Maybe if you were actually strong you wouldn't have gotten sealed away." "Shut UP!" Tarmiel claps his hands and torrents of water come rushing towards you, knocking down trees in the process. "This is my Grace, 'Ocean'. Only warriors as powerful as us are allowed Graces." You sigh. "You need to learn your place kid." You reach out your hand and say "Magic Stop". The waters keep coming. Tarmiel laughs. "This isn't magic. I can summon actual oceans with the Grace bestowed upon me." You smirk. "Oh my, I'm soooo scared. You seem to forget that I have wings too." You fly up to Tarmiel and give him a smack to prove it. Then you turn to Meliodas and the others. "Why the hell are you still here?! Get out of here right now!" Meliodas gets the others inside the tavern and soon you see Hawk Mama flying off into the distance. You smile and are hit in the back with a tornado.

Sariel smiles. "That's my Grace. "Tornado." And remember. Rule No. 1 of Basic Combat: Always keep your eyes on your opponent. Isn't that what you always say, Captain?" You smile and flying back up to the archangels. "Glad you remembered something. I was a little scared that I didn't do my job right when I saw how weak you guys are." Tarmiel smiles. "Keep talking. And while you're at it, take our combined attack: Hurricane!" Tarmiel summons a lot more water than his first attack, while Sariel creates a much larger tornado than his first one as well. You smirk. You take a deep breath and stretch your arms out. "Hurricane Stop!" This requires a lot more than just a regular "Magic Stop" so you grit your teeth and use some more of your magic. The hurricane is covered in blue light and suddenly freezes. You smirk. "Now, where were we? Oh right. I was KICKING YOUR ASSES!" You fly behind them faster than their eyes could see and send them flying into the ocean Tarmiel summoned earlier with two swift blows.

They come flying out of the ocean, furious. They double team you, unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks. You block and dodge all of their attacks, still only using about 10% of you strength. "You know," you say, trying to provoke them even more "now that I think about it, you guys were never anything more than Ludociels lackies. Speaking of, I wonder how that little shit is doing. Probably watching our fight if he can." You flip off the sky in hopes that he sees it. Then you grab both Tarmiel and Sariels necks. You hold them out in front of you  (like your cliche villain lmao) and squeeze. "Cmon Cmon cmoooon! I know you guys are stronger than this. Your hosts bodies must be at their limits by now, especially after using those weak ass Graces of yours." They said nothing, which means you were right. You sigh. "And here I was, expecting something out of the new Archangels. Hey, you guys have been around the Supreme Deity right? How's that old hag doing anyways?" Tarmiel glares at you. He tries to speak but you squeeze on his throat harder. "What's that? I can't understand you. Can you speak louder?" You smirk. Then you toss them back into the ocean.

When Tarmiel and Sariel rise out of the ocean, you can see that they've had it. "All right." Says Tarmiel, dead serious. "You wanted us to use our full power, you get it." Tarmiel and Sariel start to glow, and soon their bodies are swallowed by a blinding light. The light fades, and the bodies of Jericho and Guila drop into the ocean, dead. You look and you see two winged figures: one short and one tall, with three heads. You smile. "Now there's the Tarmiel and Sariel that I know." Tarmiel groans. "You're a son of a bitch, you know that. Doing that is always a pain in the ass." Sariel nods in agreement. You smirk. "You've got a dirty mouth for an archangel. Tariel grins. "And you got an ugly face for a bitch." "Alright Alright" says Sariel, slightly annoyed. "Enough talk. Let's do this."

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