Chapter Thirteen

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Tarmiel and Sariel rush at you with alarming speed. You barely block Tarmiel's punch before you are hit from behind by Sariel, sending you into the ocean. Before you can resurface, Tarmiel pours more and more water into the ocean, cause rushing tides of water to push you down when you try to fly back up. Tarmiel smirks. "I don't hear you talking now. What's wrong? CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE?!?" He forces you out of the ocean with a gyser of water and Sariel sucks you into a giant tornado. You spin and spin and spin while Tarmiel and Sariel attack you from outside the tornado. "You bastards!" You say, annoyed. "Time Stop!" You stop time and fly out of the tornado. You have barely gotten out when the spell releases on its own. "Shit!" you think to yourself. "Their Power combined is a lot stronger than mine when they're in their true forms." They turn around and resume their attacks on you. You quickly freeze time again just enough to fly out of range.

They turn to you and smirk. "Why are you only running away? Come and fight! Or we'll come to you!" Tarmiel lunged towards you and you dodge his attack, but before you can counterattack Sariel slams you back into the ocean. "Gravity Stop!" You stop the gravity pushing you down and manage to stop yourself before reaching the ocean. Sariel dashes begins you and swings a punch while you're recovering. You barely dodge and stop time again before Tarmiel can hit you from behind. You escape before it wears off. They stay on the attack, so you keep stopping and the process keeps repeating itself. Eventually, they catch onto the process and stop the attack. "All right." Tarmiel crosses his arm. "This has gone on too long. It's about time we end your miserable life right here and right now." He holds his arms out in front of him. "Ready Sariel?" Sariel nods. "Let's crush this bitch."

Suddenly, you are transported into another dimension. Tarmiel summons even more water, ten times the amount he had summoned before. Sariel does the same, summoning a tornado the size of a mountain. "Look into the face of your death! This is our Ultimate Move- Enlil no Tenbatsu!" You are sucked into the hurricane, being spun and spun in multiple directions. Tarmiel laughs. "You can't escape unless you are at the same power level as us (Which you are but in this case as strong as them combined). You'll be stuck in there until your molecules are torn apart. Not even a demon can survive this!" You sigh. "I didn't wanna have to try but I guess I will." You close your eyes and focus on the rest of the magic inside you. You slowly raise the power of your magic, letting it course through your body, enhancing your strength. You draw out the power inside you, taking every bit of magic but being careful not to break the seal (that's something you'll get to see soon :P). Once you are done, you flex your muscles and stretch your arms, getting used to being at full power. You are no longer affected by the archangels attack.

You break the attack with ease, sending you back to the real world. When you are at full power, your magic is so immense that it forms a blue aura around you. The archangels turn around, shocked that you broke free from their attack. You can see the fear on their faces when they see the aura around you. You smirk. "That's right. You've never seen me at full power before. I gotta say, I'm surprised that you forced me this far." You smile. "Well, you should be happy. I'm not gonna hold back any longer." You stretch your hand out in front of you. "Sariel and Tarmiel, Stop!" They instantly freeze, unable to move because of your magic. You fly up to them and send them flying into the ocean with a couple quick punches. You create tentacles with your magic and pick them out of the ocean, their bodies still frozen. You chuckle. "Now now now. Don't die on me so fast. I haven't had any fun yet." You release the spell on their bodies then throw them back into the ocean with your tentacles. You wait for a while, but they don't resurface. You smirk. "Wonder what those little shits are up to." You wait patiently, watching the ocean attentively. You sense the two sneaking up behind you and smile. You play dumb, pretending not to notice them. "If you idiots don't come back by the count of 3, you're gonna regret it." You smile. "One! Two! Three!" As soon as you say "Three!", Tarmiel and Sariel materialize behind you and launch a sneak attack. You block their attacks and grab their wrists. You squeeze and you hear them shatter.

You smirk. "All right" you say, letting go of their wrists. "I'm gonna give you a guys a chance to come up with one final attack since I'm in a good mood. Do whatever you think can take me down." You smile and stretch your arms out to let them see your serious. They smile. "All right." Say Tarmiel, smiling. "We'll take you up on your offer." He and Sariel descend to the ocean. They hold their hand out to the sky and begin to chant in the language of goddesses. Their hands begin to glow, and then their bodies begin to shine. Soon, the whole area is covered in blinding light. You hear the last words they chant: "We use our remaining strength to summon thee, Ludociel of the Flash!" Your eyes widen. "Wait wha-" You're suddenly cut off by what sounds like the crack of lightning. When the light fades, you see Tarmiel and Sariel on the ground, drained. The ocean and the frozen hurricane are both gone. In front of you is a tall Goddess with long black hair and a menacing presence. You frown.

"Ludociel." He smiles. "It's been a while y/n. I've been watching you for a while." You smirk. "What the hell do you want from me?" He laughs. "Now is that any way to treat your younger brother? I haven't seen you for 5000 years." His face becomes serious. "I'm here to kill you. You are one sorry bastard. You act like some warrior of justice, protecting the lives of these sorry humans like it'll atone for your sins. YOU AND I BOTH KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" Ludociel is now furious, losing control of his emotions. "You've killed countless amounts of humans. You've killed countless amounts of Goddesses. You've killed hundreds upon thousands of people! All you are is a KILLER! And most importantly. You. Killed. Our. FATHER!" There are tears streaming down his cheeks. "I will never forgive you. NEVER!" You are overcoming with so many conflicting emotions that you just can't respond. It's true that you've killed countless amounts of people, but you thought you've changed. Is this what my father meant? But... I only killed when I had to, right? I- I'm not a killer! Am I?

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