Chapter Four

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"What are you doing?!? We can't just leave Sir Meliodas to fight alone! Go back! Please, you need to help him!" You ignore Elizabeth's pleas, running as fast as you can away from the fight. A part of you is really itching for a fight, but you're done with killing so you resist and run on. You keep running until you reach a safe distance, then set down Elizabeth and Hawk.

"Look. As much as I'd love to help them, it's his fight. Besides, all you'd do is get in the way."

Elizabeth looks up, tears flowing from her eyes. "I don't care. I want to help him! And you should too. Sir Meliodas is giving you a job and trusts you, and you don't even have his back!" You are about to snap back when you hear a resounding BOOM where the fight is going on. Elizabeth grabs your arm. "Please! Take us back!" You sigh heavily, then toss her and the pig on your back. "Hold on tight" You say, and bolt back towards the fight.

When you arrive, the fight is over. The Holy Knight is gone. However, there is a bigger problem. Meliodas has a gaping wound on his shoulder. You sigh. "Looks like you gotten weak over time. I guess it happens with old age." Meliodas smiles. "It's nothing. At least nothing I can ha-" He faints before he can finish his sentence. You look at him scornfully, wondering why he has gotten so weak. "Wait" you think, "it's not that he's gotten that weak, although his power has significant dropped. He was definitely holding back." You snap out of your thoughts and pick up Meliodas' body. "We need to get him to a doctor." You turn to Diane. "Are you coming or not?"

"Of course I am! I can't just leave Captain like this," She says, giving Meliodas a worried look. "Besides, gathering the other Sins wouldn't be so bad anyways." "All right then" you say. "Let's go!" You and the others rush back to the Boars Hat. "Hawks mom! Take us to the nearest village!" "She won't respond to you" chirps Hawk. "She only listens to me or Meliodas." "Well then tell her yourself. We need to get a move on." You rush inside and lay Meliodas' body on a bed and start doing your best to treat his wound.

About a half hour later you arrive at a town called Dalmally. You quickly get him to a doctor who feeds him some medicine. You can't help but feel like something is off. You're a little nervous because your bunches are never wrong. Suddenly, you hear a sudden buzzing. Outside the window, thousands upon thousands of bug are flying around, destroying the town. "Diane's out there fighting" Elizabeth says, worried. "Don't worry, she'll be fine" You say. As you speak, you see something happen outside the window. Stone pillars are rising throughout the town, killing the bugs. "This must be Diane's magic" you think, "makes sense cuz she's a giant." You pause for a second, looking out the window. "Hey Doctor, whats that ugly looking castle thing over there?"

"That 'ugly looking castle thing' is Baste Prison" the doctor replies, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. You're about to respond with a snarky remark (because that's just who you are) when Elizabeth chirps, "That's right! Sir Meliodas was planning on coming here to rescue Ban from the prison." You nod along, about to say something and then you sense an evil presence walking up the stairs. "Must be a Holy Knight" you think. You keep tracking his presence (as your physical senses are so keen you can hear footsteps from a mile away) until you sense him enter the room. Pretending to know nothing, you wait until he is about to strike. "People who use invisibility are usually incredibly weak" you remark in your head.

The invisible knight is about to grab Elizabeth when you react in the blink of an eye. You grab his arm, break his wrist in one quick squeeze and slam him against the wall. His invisibility wears off. Elizabeth screams, startled, while the doctor doesn't seem to be surprised. You notice this and ask what the hell is going on. "They kidnapped my daughter" the doctor says frantically, "and forced me to poison Meliodas. I'm so sorry!" You smile, having seen this happen too many times. "It's alright doctor. No need to feel bad for the sins of others." You say, shoving the Knight harder into the wall.

"Tell us. What the hell do you want? Answer truthfully or I'll crush your skull. This armor is nothing to me." You grab his helmet, take it off, and crush it in your hand for demonstration. The knight quickly complies. "Alright alright settle down. I am Holy Knight Golgius of the Weird Fangs. My comrades and I were planning to kill Meliodas once he was poisoned." You lift up your hand menacingly and he flinches. "You don't understand! This man is dangerous!"

"Shut up!" You say angrily. "You're lucky I don't like to kill. Now get out of my sight before I make an exception." As soon as he leaves the hospital, you turn to Elizabeth. "As for Meliodas, I think I know how to wake him up." "Thats Impossible" says the doctor sadly. "He'll never wake up again" You smirk. "I know this idiot better than you do. He's too resilient. Besides, my method is foolproof." Elizabeth's grabs your arm and pleads "Please Please PLEASE wake Sir Meliodas up"

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing" you say, smiling. Then without warning you take out your knife and put it to Elizabeth's neck. "Ack! What are you doing?! Ah, Help!?" As soon as Elizabeth cries for help, Meliodas' eyes snap open. He grabs your neck and pushes you against the wall, with a strange mark on his forehead. The Demon Mark. "Don't you ever lay a hand on Elizabeth!" He says with a murderous tone in his voice. You smirk. "Relax, relax, it was only done to wake you up"  You force his hand off your neck. "Anyways, shall we head to Baste Prison now?"

"Yeah. And it looks like Diane has already gone ahead." Meliodas pauses and looks you in the eye. "I see you're still as strong as ever. Except for one thing. You could've used your magic to stop me earlier. Did you... lose it?" You sigh. "Yeah... When they exiled me to stripped me of my wings and magic. I kinda wanna get it back. Like really wanna get it back. So I'll probably have to join in on some fights." Meliodas chuckles. "Dont kill em all you know" You smirk. "Yeah. Anyways, let's go!"

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