Chapter Sixteen

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Annoyed by your hysterical laughing, the Supreme Deity stretches her hand out at you. The earth shakes and a giant chasm opens up beneath you. You fly up into the the sky. The Supreme Deity calls down lightning from the sky, which you stop with a spell. "Lightning Stop!" You smile and dive down to the Supreme Deity, faster than she can react to. You punch her in the gut, then send her flying with a kick. You fire energy blasts with your magic.

She summons a wall of rock to block the blasts then flys up high into the air. You smile. "Well, my dear Auntie? Aren't you supposed to be the strongest being to ever exist? HAS AGE CAUGHT UP TO YOU, YOU OLD HAG?!" You dash up behind her and slam her in the back, sending her into the ground.

The Deity gets up and dusts herself off. You smile. "I guess this'll be fun. Good." You stretch your hands out to the sky and create a giant sword with your magic. "Eat this my dear Auntie!" You throw your hand down, throwing the sword straight at the Supreme Deity. She puts her hands on the ground and summons a mountain as a shield. The sword cuts through the mountain with ease and cuts off the Supreme Deity's right arm.

You sneer. "Some kind of Supreme Deity you are. YOURE PATHETIC!" You create three more swords and send them flying towards the Supreme Deity. She stretched her hand out in front of her and yells "ALMIGHTY COMMAND! RETURN!" The swords are tossed back at you. You smirk. "STOP EXIST!" The swords are surrounded in blue light and suddenly disappear. "My magic is more powerful than your Almighty Command. You're weak." She smiles at you, sadly. You glare at her. "Don't smile at me like that. Don't. Please." You're suddenly brought to tears. "Your smile. You look just like my mother. You-" your face darkens. "You killed my mother." You create an army of swords above you. "Your feeble attacks can't stop this. I'm gonna enjoy watching you being stabbed in a thousand different ways." You throw the swords.

The Supreme Deity closes her eyes and takes a breath. She start to shrink, and you realize she's turning herself into the wind. You smirk. You put your hands together and yell "EXPLODE!" The swords, which are made with your magic, obey your command and cause a chain explosion, covering almost a mile in radius. When the explosion clears, you see the Supreme Deity standing on her feet, bloodied and hurt from the attack. You smile. "Good job surviving that. You wouldn't be worthy of being the Supreme Deity if that killed you."

The Supreme Deity raises her hand towards the sky. Her hand begins to glow, and so does the sky. She shouts "HEAVENLY RAIN!" and golden fire pours down from the sky, engulfing you with flames. You smirk. "FLAME STOP!" The flames around you disperse, clearing the sky of the Heavenly Rain. However, the flames on your body won't disappear. You widen your eyes in shock. "They- THEYRE FEEDING ON MY MAGIC. YOU OLD HAG!" You dive down to the Supreme Deity. You stop time and slam her into the ground. "Put out these flames THIS INSTANT!" She smiles. "Those flames won't go out until they've eaten through all your magic. Knowing how powerful you are, it should take an hour to eat, but years to replenish. You glare. "Then I'll just kill you right now!" You grab her neck but the instant you do she wraps her wings around you.

You try to break free, but you can't escape. "What- What the hell?!" She smiles. "I'm going to spend the rest of my life force to seal you and I away." You scream. "STOP! ULTIMATE STOP!" She sighs. "It's no use. I've used my life force to seal away your magic. Next comes your body." She's right. You can feel your body turning into stone. You sigh. "I guess... this is it." She smiles. "Y/n.... before we go, I need to tell you about your mom. She... she loved you very much." "Then why!" You scream. "Why did she alter my memories and do this?!? WHY?!" She pats you on the head, just like she used to when you were a child. "Because... All she wanted was for you to be a good person, so you could be happy." She starts to cry, but smiles. "She.. She really loved you." You can't hold in the tears either. "I... at least I can go knowing that." You smile. And for the first time in your life, that smile was genuine. "Thanks... Auntie."
The End.
(Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!)

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