Seven: Miriam

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I looked at the phone in my hand. It felt heavy and cold. I hadn't put it on since I got it.

It had been almost two weeks and nothing had happened. It was like the entire incident did not happen. It felt strange, everything did.

If I had friends they'd have noticed that I wasn't the same. I was different, completely different. I didn't laugh with people anymore, I didn't talk, I didn't do anything. Most of the time I was lost in thought.

I couldn't even sleep. I knew that someone out there was out to get me, no doubt. I had to be awake to stand against the person. I had managed to get myself some pepper spray just in case anything happened. I was slowly turning into a nutcase.

I put the phone back in its pack. I had charged it though, just in case I needed it but I didn't put it on.

I wore the dress I laid out on the bed and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I missed sporting only a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. I did my make up and left the room.

In this brothel, there were seven bedrooms. One for Majoress and six for the rest of us. Four people shared one room so all together we were twenty four, twenty four prostitutes. I never knew what happened to the old prostitutes who used to live here. Whether they were let go or transferred to another brothel. Nothing was certain in the harem.

There were some people I wished were still here, like the person I met here the first time I came. She was nice to me but I didn't see her again after the first few months. They said I was her replacement. The thought still sent chills down my spine whenever it came to my mind, not the good type of chills either.

I walked downstairs and towards the night club. The cold night breeze rubbed my skin making me wish I had more on but the cold was eventually toned down once I entered the night club.

I went straight to my favorite place — the bar. There I ordered for my usual — a bottle of soft drink. I hadn't finished ordering when somebody sat beside me and ordered the same thing.

"Good evening.", he started.

"Yeah.", I nodded.

He faced me fully and held my shoulder. I looked up at him.

"Can I help you?", I questioned trying to mask my fear.

"Yes, one night."

It was just an advancement. He wanted a night, just a night. I tried calming myself.
When my soft drink arrived, I paid for it and opened it to take a sip, my eyes not leaving the man beside me. I was trying to be cautious.

"So... How much do you charge?".

"It depends on the amount of time you spend."

He nodded.

I felt this fear, like I had each time I saw any man in the night club since that day, and tried to quell it.

"Come on, let's go."

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of my seat. I began to protest as his nails began to dig  into my skin but before I could say anything after the first few words, I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek, he had slapped me. I held my cheek in pain.

"Quit your whining and do your job. If you don't, you won't get any pay, do you understand that?"

I sucked in air. I won't cry, I won't cry, I won't cry, I kept telling myself but a teardrop fell. I knew that I would sob next. I didn't need this, not right now.

"I'm sorry ma'am, is this man disturbing you?", I heard someone say. The voice was oddly familiar. I didn't look up though.

"Ehn... Mister man, hold your peace. Don't even interfere."

"Why shouldn't I? You are definitely hurting her. Is that what you pay for? To hurt people like her?"

"Her? You really want to defend her honour? She worthless, she's a whore. A public property."

Now I don't even know what hurt more, the slap or his words.
Then a heard a thud sound. I looked up realizing that somebody had been punched. I shifted to a corner knowing fully well that if there was a fight, it wouldn't be long till they attracted attention and I did not want to be in the middle of all that.

I watched as one person overpowered the other and threw punches. The pain of the slap was already dying down. As expected, people began to gather around them. Some hyped, some watched silently while very few tried separating them. In the end the man that had initially slapped me left the arena with a swollen eye and jaw. He might have probably had other injuries but I wasn't able to see.

I knew that I would have to be careful because that man would be looking for me.

I couldn't find the other person though, so I just returned to the bar, ordered another soft drink and sipped from it. Some people beside me were talking about the fight. With the way things had gone back to normal, nobody would know that there was a fight except they heard what people saying.

Then I saw somebody order for something icy and cold before making their way to me. I recognized the person as the other fighter. Some part of me wanted to run for safety.

"Hey, are you alright? I think that bastard slapped you.", he began.

I nodded.


He let out a deep chuckle.

"Just a few bruises. They will go away."

I sipped my drink as an awkward silence engulfed us.

"But why?", that was the question I had been meaning to ask.


"Why did you act? You could have just ignored whatever was happening like everyone else."

"Oh that?", he puffed out some air, "First of all, I'm not everybody else and second of all I am concerned with the safety of people especially with those I'm working with. I thought you understood this Miriam."

My senses perked up and I gave him a sideways glance meeting his intent look. It was then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew who I was talking to.

"Jide? What are you doing here?"


So... Two updates in one day. I was bored so... here you go. Please let's be interactive here and let me know what you think about Jide defending Miriam.

Happy Sunday guys.
Much love from your girl 😘

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