Twenty two: Jide

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The journey from the hospital was not as easy but Miriam was at my side. She hadn't left and I knew deep down she was going to be part of my life sooner or later.

I wasn't going to allow that to happen.

I was going to do what I should have done a long time ago. I let out a breath and she looked at me, clasping my hands tighter and hugging my arm.

I had done the tests for the blood transfusion and the doctor told me that they would need to run more tests on Jamilah. The blood test results would come out quickly to save her life. I thought these procedures had to be faster.

I would not be able to see her till she began responding to treatment and it hurt to hear it.

The taxi was also occupied by one plump old lady with a bag and umbrella beside Miriam and a young man in the passenger seat. I was looking absent-mindedly through the window.

I couldn't explain all I felt. Anger and disappointment at myself, regret for not protecting Jamilah better and fear, deep fear of the unknown. I was completely confused.

I couldn't allow this to happen again, to Miriam. I hoped I could forgive myself for what happened.

With time during the journey, she seemed to realize we weren't going to my house, she looked distressed but didn't say anything.

Eventually, I alighted with Miriam beside me at the station. There was a heavy cloud of despair hanging over me as I got in.

"Jide, why are we here?", she asked.

"Don't worry, you're safe with me. I work here."

"That's not what I asked, Jide. What are we doing here? More importantly, what am I doing here?"

I took a deep breath.

"I'm doing this for the both of us Miriam, I just want you to trust that I have your best interest at heart. Please Miriam."

I was putting up my boldest demeanor. I didn't want to look weak in front of Miriam even if I knew I was deeply hurting and felt so alone. She should never know what I was planning.

I asked her to wait with a policeman and moved to Dayo's office. I had already imagined how it would go.

"Can I help you?", Dayo's emotionless voice invited me into the room.

Normally, I would have rolled my eyes. But I came in dejected and just sat on the chair in front of his desk.

"What happened?", Dayo asked, failing to mask his genuine concern, he seemed to have seen how I looked and felt. I wouldn't do anything else than what I intended to do.

"I have the witness with me. I'm handing her over to you. She also needs a place to stay."

Dayo looked at me a little confused. He probably wasn't expecting it.

"You're bringing the witness to me?"

"I'm also handing the case to you. I'll tell my uncle about it, so you don't have to worry about anything else, just get to work."

Dayo stood, probably in disbelief.

"Did you get hit in the head?"


"Do you want to meet her or not?"

Dayo looked at me skeptically. We both knew I wouldn't probably do this, heck, if things were different I'd never even set foot at his office. But right now, I couldn't continue.

After a while of weighing options he came out with me. Miriam looked at me, trying to search for clues which I tried hard not to give, then at Dayo with confusion.

"Dayo, this is Miriam. She's the only witness of the crime scene and she has been living with me for a while now."

Dayo looked at me. I knew things were supposed to be different.

"I'll send everything from my investigation to you."

"Jide, what are you doing?", Miriam sounded uncertain.

"What I should have done a long time ago, I'm sorry but I can't protect you. I'm handing you over to someone who can."

Hurt flashed in her eyes. Then all I could see was disappointment. She didn't say anything else but her looks pierced deep.

"Start right away Dayo, you can carry out investigations on her and then do whatever, I'll send everything to you", then I whispered, "but make sure she's safe."

Dayo nodded.

She didn't protest as she was led away to be questioned but her eyes didn't leave me.

One less of a burden... I think.


I looked at the files from the brothel one more time before I gave them to be sent to Dayo.

In a few days I had people clear out everything about Miriam from my house. Dayo had searched the place before then.

I didn't touch anything and I hadn't seen Miriam either. She might be hating me by now but she would realize it was for her good.

I decided to take a break before I would get back to any kind of work. The doctor had called me to inform me that the transfusion was successful. That was what I wanted to build my hopes on.

I slumped on my chair, right before Dayo entered my office. His face looked serious and straight, hard to read. I began wondering what he was coming to do here.

"Dayo.", I acknowledged his presence.

"Jide, there's something I found out and I think you need to see it."

That was the only thing he said and I just looked at him. I really hoped he wasn't involving me in the case anymore.

Minutes later I was in Dayo's office. Our heads were over something — Miriam's phone. He put it on and the first place we checked was her messages and the inbox was loaded but with messages from the same number. That was not what I saw when Miriam and I put it on the first time.

He showed me one message.

Just do everything according to plan, I'll tell you the next step. Then I'll decide whether to kill him or not.

— Gabriel.

I grabbed the phone swiftly and checked the other messages, trying to provide benefit of doubt but they all implicated her.

Everything seemed to slow down. She was receiving messages from him? And I didn't know?

"No, no, no, no, no. It's not possible. Something is wrong, she's a victim.", I managed to whisper.

"The message is giving us a hint that it may be otherwise."

"She also got calls from this same number, funny enough it was unsaved in her phone. It looks like you were wrong from the very beginning. All your work now has to be cancelled, there is a new investigation on her. If she admits to it then I have no choice but to place charges. She has been detained. She is now a suspect.", he added.

No, this was not happening.

"Did she say anything in her defence?", I asked. I didn't believe it. This could mean that she was working with him. It just couldn't be.

"No Jide, she said nothing when we asked her about it."

Everything seemed to shatter around me. I felt betrayed and more hurt. It could be true that she was one of the villains, I couldn't believe I had let her into my home and peace.

"Dayo. I want to question her myself."

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