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Sapphire Academy's influence, wealth, and academic reputation have made it one of the most prestigious school in the country.

Walang mahirap o mayaman. Everyone can get in as long as you are smart enough to pass the exams.

Students are classified into two divisions.

Royal Blue Sapphires are students who are smart and in rich living.

Cornflower Blue Sapphires are students who are smart and in average living, scholars for short.

These divisions doesn't make any difference to their academics because everyone is treated equally, except for those who will be able to enter the Star Sapphire Class.

Star Sapphire Class is a special class consists of top students in the overall ranking. Only the Top 7 can get in.

Every student in the Star Sapphire Class will enjoy the highest privilege of the academy. They have access to better facilities than other classes. Their uniforms and classrooms are different too.

Cali from Royal Blue is always at the top. Ranking number 1 seems very easy for her. No one in the academy can beat her... Not until the mysterious guy named Jax from Cornflower Blue came.


This is the 2nd of Academy Series. #SapphireAcademy

Sapphire Academy: School of NoblesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon