Chapter 5

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"Yes... Yes I understand." I huff, scratching the back of my head quite awkwardly.

"I'm not forcing you to do this Niall if you're uncomfortable but I need an opinion. More specifics on the topic. We don't know as much as we should and there's not many professionals who deal with this sort of thing." He explains through the phone making me sigh.

"I'm sure he's home right now. I'll email you everything." I say, sitting myself up straight.

"Perfect. I'll be sure to see you tomorrow Niall. Thanks again." He says and I just smile into plain sight.

"Night." I reply, hanging the phone up, staring at it.

"Hm." I whisper to myself, grabbing my laptop and making my way toward our room where I knew Zayn would be. How convenient.

He was knelt against the side of the bed, three guns laid out. He was loading them all up and I couldn't help but to tense up, not knowing where to look.

"Uh, hey Teddy." I say awkwardly, watching the guns and still to this day, they scared the fuck out of me.

"Shit Blondie, I didn't know you were home." He mutters out, looking up at me, sighing as he shoves one of the guns he had just finished loading onto the bed.

"If you're busy I can come back-"

"I just finished, what's the matter?" He asks, eyebrow raised as he stashes them beneath the bed.

"I got a weird call from my boss... He wants me to, talk to you for a 'professional opinion'," I say, my lip bitten earning a small snort.

"Well that's certainly like your boss." He hums, cockily referring to his obsession with the biker.

"Can I?" I ask, lip bitten. "It's not being published and your name won't be mentioned. It's just an outline."

"On what?" He sighs and I look down, reading a note of it on my phone.

"Uh... Something about four gangs in the area have all gone missing." I reply, mumbling.

"A gang can't go missing Blondie." He chuckles, sitting himself down on the bed.

"Well it's what he said." I shrug, sitting down next to him, tucking my legs in.

"Nothing has come up lately to me about this..." He trails off, eyes bored and watching the ceiling.

I sigh, gently placing my laptop and phone next to me, rubbing my eyes.

"Well that doesn't help." I mutter earning a small snort.

"Interview me properly then, Blondie." He sighs and I raise an eyebrow.

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