Chapter 14

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My eyes snapped open as if I were in a sudden shock and when my eyes adjusted to the foreign room I was in, I somehow did enter shock.

I had no idea where I was. The room belonged to nobody I knew, there were clothes all over the floor, a strip of condoms on the side table, one of the packets had been opened and I suddenly gulped - feeling as if I couldn't move.

I heard some breathing from beside me and I cringed, putting all of the pieces together. It was incredibly obvious what I had done and I knew that by turning around, I would stare at my regret in the face. My body stood still for a couple of moments, hearing a vibration from the side table.

Beneath all the unopened condoms, looking as if they were messily pulled out, I saw my phone and my entire body relaxed as I leant over to grab it, seeing a new message from Harry.

'Where are you?'

"Shit," I mutter, realising I was supposed to be at his place today for a meeting with everyone about Shark. Yet I put that aside, seeing that there was an abundance of messages from an alarmed Max beneath that.

'Are you alive?'        

'Niall fucking Horan call me back!!!!'

'Okay. I'm trying to stay calm here.'

'You could be dead in a ditch for all I know!!! James is off his head and I don't know where you went!'

'Did you go home with someone?'

'I bet you did you sneaky bastard!'

'I told you to tell me when you're going home with someone!'

'Fucking hell!'


I simply huffed, ignoring the messages and placing my phone back onto the drawers. I sat myself up, feeling a small pain in my abdomen.

"Yep." I whisper to myself. "I totally had sex."

I glance down next to me, seeing the attractive biker I had met last night at the rave Max had taken me to. He was exceedingly good looking, I'll give him that - but at the same time, pretty much a total stranger. I felt uncomfortable knowing I had done things with him that I had only really done with the people I actually love.

Having sex with Zayn and James came incredibly easy as I truly do love them - still to this day even. But doing it with a guy whose name I don't even remember, made me feel different.

What the hell was wrong with me?

I grabbed whatever clothes I knew belonged to me and shoved them on, stumbling my way up. I quietly called through a cab when I saw his address written down on one of the papers on his desk, looked down at him once more and quickly made my way out the front, hoping to god he'd stay asleep so this morning could just become a blur in my memory.

I was out as quickly as I could - and the relief was astounding as I saw the cab drive itself down the road and over toward me by the house.

I leant my head against the window once I was in it, glad that I had a silent getaway. My phone buzzed once more and I sighed, seeing another message from Max.

'Good morning, asshole.'

I smiled, amused and quickly dialled in his number, bringing the phone to my ear as the driver left the street and from there it was simply a memory.

"Max," I huff as he answers the phone.

"Oh it's good to see you're alive mate. I had a bit of a scare before when I thought someone had kidnapped you, murdered you and threw your body into the bottom of the ocean." He says, his voice dripping in sarcasm and I smile once more.

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