Chapter 20

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This chapter is unedited **

"... You have? That's great news Jay. Great news." He huskily speaks in the kitchen, as I wrap my white sheet around my shoulders. "I want him at the warehouse by noon. Alive."

I bite my lip curiously, head tilted to the side as I watched his back flex with every word executed. I was rather shocked that he hadn't scurried away and left in the morning, yet I wasn't so upset about it. After hearing his truths last night over dinner, there seemed to be a certain respect I grew for him. It seemed like I knew this whole other person.

"No, I want him alive." He breathes slowly. "I'll deal with him. Have a chair ready."

I gulped, watching him rub his eyes tiredly.

"Okay. Thank you Jay. You did well." He hangs up, placing his phone onto the table with a small huff, muttering something beneath his breath hastily.

"I'm guessing you found the guy who did this to Scarlett?" I perk up quietly, seeing his head turn on the side. He looked a cross between tired and aggravated - two emotions which were so utterly common for Zayn.

"Yeah. We got him." He whispers, brushing his hair off his forehead. "Come here Blondie."

I didn't have to be told twice. I found my way to his lap, his arms wrapping around my waist as he pulls me into his warm body.

"Did you have a good sleep last night?" I felt his lips against my neck.

"One of the better sleeps I've had in a while." I undertone, placing my hand softly on his arm to hold. It seemed as though - with this amount of affection - last night meant a lot to him as well.

"Good. I had a nice sleep as well." He breathes, finger tips running up and down my sides tenderly. It felt like forever since we had done anything like this.

And I was loving every second of it.

"W-What are you going to do to the guy who did this?" I whisper gently.

"Get answers out of him, then knock him off." He answers coolly. "But if the baby dies, I'll do whatever Liam and Scarlett want me to do."

I gulp, turning on my side to meet his eyes. I knew it needed to be done. Nobody could mess with our gang and get away with it - especially under Zayn's watch.

"Why are they doing this?" I whisper shakily. "Why are they hurting you and your gang for a bit of money?"

"Money makes the world go 'round." He whispers back, kissing my collarbone. "They don't care about morals or people's lives, they just want my money."

"Why can't you just pay them Zayn?" I hum impatiently. "I-I mean if you pay them then nobody will get hurt. Our entire group is breaking because of Shark."

"I'm not weak." He responds. "A lot of the men he transferred into his gang are in debt with me as well, so we're even."

I simply sigh, leaning my head against his comfortably.

"Please protect this gang? They're all good people." I whisper, feeling him hold me tighter.

"I know." He murmurs. "I know."

"You're a good guy too Teddy," I hum, earning a small smile to leave his lips. "And I know that deep down you have so much kindness in your heart."

"I wouldn't go to that extent." He chuckles gently, hand reaching up to toy about with my hair.

"Everyone in your gang knows it... They all know you only want the best for them." I couldn't help but smile at him. "You sure do know how to make someone happy."

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