Chapter 23

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(unedited) Hey everyone, this is a kinda sorta filler but i promise from here on out a lot of shit is gonna happen :)

"Marry me?"

It was like the question was taunting me. My stomach was in shambles. I couldn't even fathom my emotions. I couldn't understand the confusion, the sudden warmth, and the nerves in my stomach as I replayed those two little words he said in that question.

We haven't officially been together for a couple of months... But that didn't matter. My heart never left his.

His dark eyes were boring into mine, and I couldn't even talk – not that it mattered. I didn't know what to say.

"Blondie, don't just leave me hanging." He whispers, squeezing my hand gently and I suddenly snapped back to reality. Zayn Malik just proposed... to me.

"B-Before I say anything, are you sure this is what you want?" I stutter. "Marriage isn't just happiness and sex forever... if we got married we'd have to start an actual adult life. We'll have to get jobs, have dinners, pay bills and do just about everything other married couples do. Zayn are you sure?"

I wanted that life. It was ideal for someone like me. I could survive off a boring office job and a regular home. But Zayn, he had never worked a day in his life. He wasn't accustomed to real life outside of a gang.

"I want you, Blondie." He huffs. "And if paying bills and having to get a job is a part of that then it's fine. Just stop being so stubborn for once in your life and marry me." 

That small smirk appeared out of the corner of his mouth and suddenly an overwhelming mist of memories showered upon me. I had seen that smug little smile on so many occasions, and here it was; the day Zayn got down on one knee.

"Yes." I whisper, never being so reassured about something in all my life. "I'll marry you."

"Really?" He cracks a small smile and my entire world just lit up, seeing him with a genuine happiness to his features. It had been so long since I had seen him that happy – in fact, I really haven't seen him that happy before.

"Really." I smile weakly. "I've never loved anybody as much as I love you, Teddy. I wouldn't have it any other way." The smile on his face returns as he places his hand on the side of my cheek and leans in to capture my lips with his - producing the strangest yet most wonderful kiss we've ever shared.

It was strange because we've never kissed as two people who were engaged. We had kissed before as two singles, partners, even when I was in a totally different relationship with someone else... But this was the real deal. We were finally here.

"I'll give you an amazing life." He murmurs against my lips. "I'll properly take care of you Blondie."

"I know you will, you don't need to reassure me." I chuckle gently, feeling him squeeze my bare waist, pulling me into his lap so I was straddling him. "I'll take care of you too Teddy, I promise."

He doesn't say anything, simply leans into my lips once more to turn our innocently exuberant kisses into passionate ones which held more raw emotion than anything we've ever shared before.

We had been through hell together. We've screamed at each other, not spoken for years, neglected each other, did everything we could to get out our own ways in the relationship and to have all of that negativity gone for us to share such a tender moment meant everything to me.

It meant that we actually made it.

"Breaking up seemed to work for us." He murmurs against my lips and I couldn't help but chuckle gently, feeling his hands at the base of my behind. He seemed to have a point. When we were together we'd hardly ever talk about our feelings or tell each other how we really felt. But breaking up seemed to revoke destructive fights which really shaped our relationship. I didn't have to argue with him there.

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