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Hi, let me introduce my self, I'm Niall Horan a little screw up from Mullingar. Yes I'm not popular Ive always been that 'nerd' and the little 'tag along' but that's just me and i won't change for no one but my one love Olivia, Ive loved her since nursery but she's never going to like me. Shes totally out if my league I mean look at me! imagine my league!

Any way back to reality walking through school has never been harder since my time table has now changed, running to my locker before the bell rang

"SHIT! Sorry let me he-help y-you with that, I'm-" I couldn't stop stuttering omg that's not just happened !!

"Shhhhh it's alright Niall"
Oohhh my godddd she know my name!
Olivia knows my name!

"Niall you alright, need any help" she said in that sweet little tone of hers.

"N-no, I'll b-be fine," I stuttered again she giggled at my Irish acsent. she's not from around here her dad moved her from the UK when she was younger because some thing was happening and it was too dangerous to go home.


She picked up my scattered work from the floor and handed it to me before leaving

"Bye Niall hope I get to speak to you again" she said scurrying off

"B-ye" I said quietly and awkwardly, but she already left before an other word could be said.

Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now