A Man On A Mission.

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(Niall's P.O.V)

Olivia's just fell to the ground... shit what do I do!? Where do I go?who do u call?

"Olivia !" I shouted

"Niall, I've got the worst shooting pains down the side of my legs." she said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Babe! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry ."

"Niall please, help me up I just need a drink."

"Okay, shit owew it hurts !!!" She said whimpering in pain.

"Babe I'm sorry that I always cause shit. sorry" she smiled in response.
"i feel better now just sit down and watch this movie I'll be fine as long as I have my niall by my side."

"Soo need anything?" I said.

"How about shopping!! Baby shopping!!"

"Niall I've only just found it that I'm pregnant!!

"I'm a man on a mission to make sure that my baby and the love of my life gets the best and that I'll always e there for them, not like my da ever was!"

"Soooooo.. what now ?" She said looking into my eyes.

"Was that just a one time thing? I mean I don't know what came over me I don't even drink!" I said

"Niall don't worry."
I pulled her into a bear hug, I love her so much !
After a while we both fell asleep

*hours later*

*load knocking on the door*

"What's that!?" I said I pulled Olivia into my chest.

"who is it !?"

The door slammed open.

"NIALL WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!!!" A loud voice echoed the little flat.

"JORDAN!? Why are you here!!!" I flinched when he moved by use I pulled Olivia into me tryin to keep her safe and calm. he pulled his fist up like he was going to punch Olivia in the gut.

"Don't hurt her, she's pregnant." I screamed jumping in front of him get a full powered punch into my stomach. falling on to the floor wining in pain.

Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now