My hero.

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(Olivia's P.O.V)

"Niall !!" I threw my body to his side!


"Shut up whore why would you want to sleep with him, he's worthless, I only wanted him for his money. ps thanks for the house" he said with a devilish smile. I would hit him or say something but that's not only putting me in danger but it's putting the baby and Niall in danger.

I reach for his phone. I search for his phone pulling it out searching through his contacts first one there Harry Styles.

"Hello? Niall you alright." this harry guy said down the phone

"NO ITS HIS GIRLFRIEND! Nialls been hit !"

"Where is he??" Harry said

"He's in mine" I told him my address soon enough harry was over. woah he's fit !

"What happened!!" He shouted at me.

"Jay hit him!" I said

"Why? On earth" he said looking at me unconvincingly.

"He was trying to save me and the baby" I said holding my stomach

Harry rushed down to nialls side. "speak to me niall!! It's harry your baby need you come on buddy where's that strong person we all know of! Get up niall come on !!" He kept shouting he was no help...

"Harry !!!"

Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now