Same Mistakes.

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"WOW, your house is amazing!!! It's so big and modern, an- WOW you play guitar !!!! I didn't know you was so talented!" She said with amazement in her voice.
"I can play looooaaaadddddsss! 5sos a specialty" I said in conformance, no-ones ever been so interested in me before!
"Really can you, your just amazing you've honestly got it all, anyway where's your parents?" She said softly
I walked over to the modern kitchen to pour the two of us a glass of coke
"Erm they aren't - they don't live with me" I said slowly
"Oh! Well where do they live then!?" She said confused
"They-they erh left me and they were both in a car crash, and yeh- so..."
"Oh niall I'm so sorry I-I didn't know - I don't know what to say, sor-sorry"
"No no it's fine don't let it get to you babe! " Oh my got why did I call her babe !!! I'm just so stuck and sad.

I break the awkward silence, well there wasn't any thing else to say
"Do you want to come up stairs into my room and study?"
"Yeh sure, I'll follow you up!"

She pulled out her text books and her calculator and then...
"Shit sorry it's my phone I'll be one minute" she said running out of the master bed room closing the door behind her.

I hear loud sobs coming from out side my bed room door
"Olivia??... Hello? Olivia you alright, !" She was wiping her tears off her delicate pale face, all Mascar under her eyes making them looking black,
"Yo-you okay?"
"No, no I'm not, I'm tired of my life niall, your the only one I feel comfortable around, sorry niall but, can I just have some thing to drink and a paper towel to kinda clean my make-up off my face please" with a little smirk.

I led her to the bathroom bringing her coke in
"Can you tell me what's up or what even happened ?" I pleaded
She wiped the now stained mascara off from under her eyes holding back tears.
"Well it's, my mum" she said with a gulp.
"My mum has -" she broke down, it's killing me I'm really not good at things like this! I pulled her head into the temple of my neck letting her sob over my shoulder, I led her beach into my room to calm her down,
"Would you want to tell me what's up?" I said calmly
"Well Jess Tommo has just called me, back from Liverpool telling me that my mum has died in a car crash." she once again broke down and sobbed making my t-shirt soaking in her teas. I didn't mind. I didn't know what to do but to pull her into my embrace
"It will be alright just calm down, I know it's hard right now but just keep strong! If you ever need a shoulder to cry on I'm always here for you babe" I said with pure confidence.

The front door slammed open
me and Olivia jumped
"W-who's that!!!" Olivia said with a scared tone
"That's, that's my foster dad" I gulped.
"Niall- what's going on!"

"NIALL!!! GET YOUR STUPID IRISH SELF DOWN HERE NOW" I rushed down not wanting Jordan (my foster dad) to get angry. Suprise, surprise he smells and sounds drunk again.
"Niall man, just get ere now!" He slurred spitting ever word.
"Yes Jordan, what do you want now"

(Olivia's P.O.V)

I crept down the stairs trying not to make a noise, I could here a lot of shouting, I got to the living room door and to see a tall baldly man standing too close to niall, but who the hell was he?

"SHUT UP NIALL" the drunken man slurred and burnt Niall's toned muscular stomach with his blazing hot cigaret. i couldn't watch no more I ran in.
"What do you think your doing!!" I shouted. he threw niall to the ground but Niall didn't flinch it was like he was 'used' to it.
"I wouldn't that If iiii wassss you youngh lady!! "
Niall jumped up and pulled me back away and apologised to the drunken man that was in his home.
"Nialll you're nott finish with yet." I flinched back and walk back and he pulls niall up by his collar. "NIALL!!! NO LET HIM GOO" I screamed , but he was too strong the man started to kick and punch niall I screamed for help finally niall was let loose.
Niall runs out the door pulling me along with him into his car, I was still in shock,
"Where we going now,... Niall " I spat out in utter shock.
"As far away as possible.

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