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It's 3pm meaning home time

"Finally" I said shuffling down the crowded stair case.

"Hello again!" Her sweet voice echoed  through my ears

"Err hello umm- y-ou okay?" I stuttered miserably

"Yeh I just can't seem to understand Maths !!! Omfg I hate it so much!" She raised her voice a little in frustration.

"I could help you, well I mean if you want me t-to?" Shit whys did I just say that !!!???

"Yes!! Thank-you you'll be doing me a favor !! thank-you, can I come to your house so you could tutor me?"

"Erm yeh sur-e w-when now ?" I sorta whispered looking down to the ground.

"Yeh of you don't mind !!"

"No not at all F-follow me I'll drive you" I suggested.

she followed on to my car. she was shocked at the cream white Range Rover parked in the car park. I held the door for her helping her in. I jumped in turning on the raido, 5 seconds of summer don't stop was playing I couldn't help but mimic the words

"Hehe, you like 5sos?" She asked curiously laughing a little, astonished by my singing.

"Well of corse great singers, better people"

"I LOVE them !!! " She replied with a million pound smile that light up my body. The rest of the drive was quiet but it was a nice peaceful quite not awkward. I looked over to see her perfect features focusing on her phone, omg this is fake. This isn't happening she is actruly sitting next to me !Niall Horan how ? Why ? She is just so perfect, but again why me!

We pulled up to my house her face dropped as she saw the big, modern 4 floor house the stood in front of her.

"I'm impressed Horan, your doing just alright"
I pulled the car into the drive getting out and locking it, before helping her out safely.

"Come in and make your self feel at home." I welcomed her in and closed the door.

Hopelessly devoted (Niall Horan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now